RWBY - [VOL 2 Episode 0] - A Faunus Save

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Matt: Finally, after everything that has happened Volume 1 is over.

Right now, Matt is in the streets of Vale heading to Tukson's bookstore to warn him about his... Offing.

Matt entered the store again and the bell rang, signifying his entry. He waited for a few seconds until the faunas himself came out from the back. His face visibly brightened when he saw him and smiled as he strode to the counter.

Tukson: Matt! How've you been?!

Matt: Haha, pretty-pretty good. How's business?

Tukson: It's going great. Eventually I'll run out off books to sell.

Matt: That's good, but for now. Do you have the information I requested?

He asked, his tone changing to serious.

Tukson: Right. Ahem... 

Tukson: So, I managed to gather as much intel I can from some of my acquaintances that also left the White Fang. This is as much as we all can gather.

Tukson answered in an equally serious tone while handing him a folder filled to the brim.

Matt: Thanks bud. Oh yeah that reminds me. I also did some research myself. But you won't like it.

Tukson: What is it?

He asked in slight worry.

Matt: I managed to find out some other information regarding the White Fang as well. And apparently, I heard that two people are being sent to assassinate you.

Tukson: W-what?! Then, w-what should I do?

Matt: The best action is to close your business here, move to another kingdom and stay out of sight, try not to put out too much social information on your where abouts, and only trust people you can fully trust. But before that, you should start packing right now. Worst case scenario is that they're already here.

Tukson: Alright, but I won't be able to pack up all of this myself.

Matt: And that's why I'm here. (snap)

With a snap, ten of Matt's shadow soldiers came out from the ground and Tukson jumped back in a slightly comical way that Matt couldn't help but laugh a little

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With a snap, ten of Matt's shadow soldiers came out from the ground and Tukson jumped back in a slightly comical way that Matt couldn't help but laugh a little.

Tukson: W-who are they?

Matt: Haha. Sorry about that. This is my semblance; it allows me to summon my own personal shadow soldiers or servants.

Tukson: Huh, that sounds convenient. So...they listen to your orders?

Matt: Yes, but not today. Because you are going to order them.

Tukson: Me? What for?

Matt: You want to pack up as quick as possible right? And I'm betting at a quick pace. So, they are going to help you. Don't worry, they'll come back once you've finished.

Tukson: Thanks kid, I-I don't know how to repay you.

Matt: You can repay me by being alive. I don't want someone like you dying like that. Welp I'll get going now, hopefully I'll see you again.

Tukson: Haha. Maybe kid, maybe.


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