RWBY - [VOL 3 Episode 2] - New Challengers...

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The scene starts on the familiar shot of Team JNPR readying themselves against their opponents in the Amity Colosseum, the mountains to their back and forest on the other side. 

Back at the seats of RWBY and Matthew, we see Matt dropping a sweat.

Matt: ('-_-) 'She really just went M.C. Hammer on them.'


At the appropriately named Crow Bar, a gray-haired figure in a tattered red cloak is sitting at the counter with a collection of empty glasses to his side

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At the appropriately named Crow Bar, a gray-haired figure in a tattered red cloak is sitting at the counter with a collection of empty glasses to his side. 

He takes a swig from another drink as he looks up at the screen above, displaying an image of the victors with the caption "Team JNPR Defeats Team BRNZ!"

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He takes a swig from another drink as he looks up at the screen above, displaying an image of the victors with the caption "Team JNPR Defeats Team BRNZ!"

He takes a swig from another drink as he looks up at the screen above, displaying an image of the victors with the caption "Team JNPR Defeats Team BRNZ!"

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Bartender: Huh, those kids weren't half bad!

???: Meh.

The familiar stranger merely lets out as he raises the beverage back to his lips.

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