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Moncha:"alright, so peynet ask me to test some beauty product starting with this hair spray"

Moncha:*spray it into his mouth*

Moncha:"now right off the bat i can tell you that this isn't good"
Zeus:"i care about all of my friend equally"

Exca:"the other and i were attacked while you were away"

Zeus:"is tiggar ok?!"
Tiggar:"why are you covered in blood?"

Zeus:"i aggressively poke someone with a knife"

Tiggar:"so you stab someone?"

Zeus:"no, i aggressively poke someone with a knife"
Kidnapper:"i have your friend who look like a cat"

Tiggar:"a friend who look like a cat- oh no. DON'T KILL HIM!!"

Kidnapper:"i won't, as long as you do exactly as i say-"

Tiggar:"no i'm not talking to you, ZEUS DON'T KILL HIM!!"

Kidnapper:"wait what-"
*Draka, Leo, rarrken, and moncha are surrounded by some monster*

Leo:"what do we do?!"

Draka:"the right way, the wrong way, and the moncha way"

Rarrken:"isn't that the wrong way?"

Draka:*facepalming as moncha start curl up into a ball and hitting each of the monster*"yes but faster

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