001| Little Blue

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Chapter One

You woke first thing in the morning and packed all of your important things, which wasn't that much really, and wore a looking boy outfit

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You woke first thing in the morning and packed all of your important things, which wasn't that much really, and wore a looking boy outfit. You then went to the living room.

"Hey— Mono..."

"You best get leaving now, dont want you to get late."

"I'll miss you..."

Mono was not facing his face towards you, instead crossing both of his arms and only facing his back towards you, unable to see his crying face, because— It wouldn't be manly of him.

"I-I'll miss you too, Sani."

You hugged him behind the back despite him being stubborn towards you, both of you cried for a few minutes before Mono calls it off, "Okay, okay, I-Im serious, you better get going now."

You nodded, and gave one last wave before making a dash for it, your figure getting smaller and smaller from Mono's perspective. "Im going to miss her..."

You were now currently inside a carriage that's headed towards the Joestar manor

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You were now currently inside a carriage that's headed towards the Joestar manor. You started tearing up a little from remembering yesterday's unfortunate events.

Your hands then started to get sweaty due to the anxiety you're experiencing, and the fear of being judge mentally. You then began to overthink of the many possibilities that could happen.

"Do I look okay? What will they think of me?! Will they question my headbands on why they are horns?! How many are there in the family...?" You kept on muttering.

The horses halted, the carriage then stopped.

"Sir (Y/N) we have arrived at our destination." Said the Coachman. "What?! Sir?! Do I look like—" You were then interrupted when the carriage door opens, making you take a deep breath.

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