007| Headbands

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⋄⊱────────༺♡༻────────⊰⋄"LETTER FROM THE PAST"ACT TWO⋄⊱─────────────────────⊰⋄

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When the three of you got home, you almost immediately went to where Mr. Joestar resides. He was unfortunately still in bed, but he was quite awake.

You thought everything was doing decently fine, but— he began to cough rather loudly so you rushed to his side to be his aid. "Father, how are you feeling today?" You asked Mr. Joestar, as he clears his throat.

"But for this cough, much improved over yesterday. However, the doctor suggested that I should be in the hospital." Said Mr. Joestar, which made Dio reject the idea.

"Why? I fear it would do you no good." Said Dio, making you and Jonathan look at him. "Are you serious? How can that be when Hospitals are made exactly to treat the unfortunate?" You asked, rather curious about Dio's sudden caution towards the hospital.

Dio looks at you, "Hospitals only care about profit. They'd measure Father for a shroud if e'er they saw Father cured." Reasoned Dio, making Mr. Joestar hum, but you were not believing him.

"Hmm, then, here I shall remain. The comforts of home are curative, like it or not. My chest doesnt pain me so. And the swelling has gone down. Im on the mend." Said Mr. Joestar.

'It was just a cold. Why has it worsened so?'

"I heard tell of your victory. Stunning bit of teamwork." Said Mr. Joestar, making Dio and Jonathan's eyes go wide, while you gave out a rather, sad smile.

'Pity... Mr. Joestar couldnt attend both of his son's final game.' You thought. "What! We wanted be the first ones to tell you! Who told you?" Asked Jonathan, who was stunned.

"I got word straightaway from an old college chum." Said Mr. Joestar, who winks at the three of you, making you brighten up a bit. Atleast he's optimistic.

"Whoever he is, he's fast. Im glad he wasnt on our opponents team, or we could have lost." Joked Dio, making the four of you laugh, more like you faked yours, it wasnt really a good one.

"Im proud of you, lads. Same goes for (Y/N) as well, you three turned out so well. Providence is too kind." Said Mr. Joestar, making your smile brighten at the praise.

"(Y/N), you've grown up to be a fine lady. Pursue your dreams, never give up... I will forever be proud of you, even if you're not my true daughter." Said Mr. Joestar.

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