Chapter twelve new emotions emerge

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With the girl's money issues settled they headed back to the inn paying for a few more days unaware of how long it would take until Abraham thought they were ready enough to go into the woods to find the dragon stone. The girls spent the night laughing and talking about their other adventures before going to bed, Atlas had fallen asleep before Avery as Avery spent the night going through all the thoughts about what had happened, the fear of being attacked and chased by the beast. Suddenly the thoughts of Abraham filled her mind, how he suddenly appeared and how he was so angry. She then thought about how quickly his emotions changed when he seen her vulnerable and crying.  She then thought of the feeling of his touch against her cheek. Atlas had rolled over and watched as Avery had raised her hand to her cheek where Abraham had wiped away the tear. Atlas rolled back overlooking away clearly annoyed. 

The morning came and the girls were up before the sunrise, Atlas and Avery got dressed and grabbed their weapons heading to meet Abraham for training. Abraham was tying up new pieces of wood since the others had multiple holes in them, when the girls walked into the area behind the smithing shop when Abraham noticed them. 

"You're not late today, good to see there is an option for change here." Abraham said giving a small smile to the girls. 

The girls laid their weapons down and began to stretch as though today would be a lot of one-on-one combat training with Abraham. Abraham walked over and grabbed the red sword out of Avery's hand. 

"Have you dulled it yet?" He checked and the blade was a bit dull due to yesterday's training with the wood. 

"I'll be right back" Abraham said as he walked into the forge sharpening the blade. Avery smiled thankful that he took care of the blade for her.

"Come here Avery" Abraham says as Atlas glances at her still stretching and flipping her knife in her hand.

Avery followed Abraham's voice into the forge to see him sharpening the blade on a grinding wheel. Sparks flying everywhere he pulled the blade away and looked at it. 

"Come here please" Abraham said putting his hand out to her taking a step back.

 Avery walked over and Abraham placed his hand on her waist positioning her in front of the grinding stone, he took her hands in his holding the tip of the blade and the handle of the blade. Once she was holding it he took off his protective helmet for the sparks and put it on her flipping it down, he hears a slight giggle and cracks a smile as a reaction. He then took her hand and guided the blade against the grindstone sharpening the blade. Atlas walked into the forge leaning against the wall watching them. Atlas's face showed how angry she was at the fact that Avery was basically in his arms. 

"There you go, now the blade is as sharp as can be." Abraham said turning off the grindstone, he set the blade aside and raised the helmet as he raised the helmet, he saw a spot of black soot on her face from the helmet he used constantly.  He placed his thumb on her cheek and wiped the soot off her face, a second later they looked at each other and suddenly heard Atlas clear her throat. The tension broke between the two of them and Avery looked over at Atlas.

"Yes?" Avery says slightly annoyed but not sure why as Atlas walks over and grabs you by the arm pulling you outside.

"What the hell was that all about?" Atlas was clearly pissed off.

"What was what? I didn't do anything Atlas." Avery said slightly confused as Abraham walked out holding Avery's sword. 

"Alright now that the Sword is sharp it's time for training, Atlas lets go your up first." Atlas smirks.

"Bloody Perfect." She says as she pulls her dagger out, the look on her face shows how angry and out for blood she is. 

Within a second Atlas lunges and cut Abraham across the face, you gasped and covered your mouth as Abraham stopped and laughed. 

"Nice, let's see what else you can do whilst angry" Abraham said this which caused Atlas to get even more angry.

During this Avery leaned up against a tree watching, a million thoughts flooded through her mind, why was Atlas so angry? How did Abraham laugh after getting cut? Was he using this situation to anger Atlas just to push her more to see what she could handle fighting wise? 

Avery got lost in thought at Abraham and Atlas fought, throughout the fight Atlas let out small, angered sounds each time she missed or when Abraham would hit her with the wooden knife. Eventually you snapped out of your head and focused on the fight, the way Abraham moved it was almost like he was teasing her causing her to get angrier. Avery could tell how mad Atlas was as her body movement got slower and her attacks were more obvious. Suddenly Avery covered her mouth gasping, Abraham had shifted his body and taken Atlas off guard knocking her to the ground, Atlas growled loudly pissed off.

"Anger. Your too angry" Abraham said taking a step back.

"You caused this! It's your fault I'm angry and now you're saying I shouldn't be?" Atlas says seething from being so angry. 

"Having anger and using it stupidly is different from having anger and using it to aid you. You need to learn that your emotions effect your fighting." Abraham said putting a hand out as Atlas stood up pushing past him.

"Whatever this is your fault." Atlas looked back at Avery with a displeased look and walked off. You sighed and went after her trying not to make eye contact with Abraham, but you could feel his eyes watching you as you passed.

"Leave me alone!" Atlas yelled walking away.

"Atlas please I don't know why you're so angry but I'm sorry!" Avery said trying to catch up to Atlas.

"I'm sorry about him, I don't know what his issue is but I didn't do anything!" Avery suddenly got cut off. 

"YOU DID EVERYTHING" She screamed before walking off towards the inn, once again Avery felt Abrahams eyes on her back. She turned around and seen Abraham standing there leaning against the side of the forge shop. He was holding your sword in his hand watching you. 

So now there is a massive fight, can your friendship be fixed? 
What exactly did Avery do to make Atlas mad?

Was Abraham intentionally trying to make Atlas angry? 

More will be learned in the next chapter. 

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