Chapter twenty-one home

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The girls walked out of the cave and back to Avery's house. Avery waited outside as Atlas brought out Clara.

"Atlas what is going on what's wrong with-" Avery looked down as Clara walked out of the house spotting Avery.

"A-Avery?" Clara said as she walked over. Avery picked up her head and Clara saw her eyes.

"W-What happened?" Clara said pulling her daughter into her arms.

"I don't s-scare you?" Avery questioned almost in tears.

"Darling, you could never scare me" Clara said as Atlas explained. 

"When we went through the stone, we were given abilities through a transformation, I haven't had mine yet, but Avery obviously did." Atlas said as Clara looked at her.

"Darling I can never be afraid of you, I'm not sure what is going on but do you like the way you look now?" Clara questioned as Avery nodded.

"Then that is all that matters, besides the ears, the eyes, it makes you all that more powerful looking" Clara smiled as Avery broke out into a laugh. Avery, Atlas, and Clara headed inside the house to speak about the other world and moving there.

A few hours had passed.

"So, you think its best if I move to this new world with you were people have abilities and danger?" Clara questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Well yes but there are good things to this world too, money is very easy to come by and the houses there don't look much different from ours, please mom I think it would be best. We don't have much here and me scavenging and learning to fight I can keep us safe and paid. Plus, there is plenty of fixing the town needs that you could do." Avery said as Clara questioned the choices for a second. 

"What other good things are there?" Clara questioned as Avery was about to speak. 

"Well, there is Abra-" Avery gets cut off as there is a knock at the door. Clara got up and opened the door after letting out a small shriek. Avery jumped up holding her sword up as she walked into sight of the person. 

"You going to kill me with the sword I made love?" The voice rang out as Avery's hand began to shake and the sword fell to the ground. 

"ABRAHAM!" Avery let out a yell and ran up to him, Abraham picked her up kissing her as her legs wrapped around his waist. 

Clara looked at Atlas confused and taken back by the blacksmith who stood in the doorway, she had never seen anyone who looked like him, after all she never seen anyone who looked like her daughter either. Soon enough the kiss broke, and Abraham let Avery down onto her feet. 

"So, you transformed?" Abraham said as Avery looked away.

"I'm sorry I don't look the same way as before I know I'm not the same woman you-" 

Avery got cut off as Abraham placed his rough hands on her face. Avery turned and looked into his eyes.

"You are still the girl I love; your eyes have gone from a beautiful ocean to a raging fire. Like you, your more powerful than before but you are still the girl I love." Abraham said as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Anyways, how did you get here Abraham?" Atlas questioned as Clara watched still confused.

"I remembered that when you girls would come back you wouldn't come out the same place you did the first time so you wouldn't be able to get back to the town not knowing the direction, so I brought you this." Abraham held up a necklace with two shards of the dragon stone in it, one from their world and one from the human world.

"This will allow you to create a gate way and chose where to enter our world. "Abraham said as he gently put it on Avery's neck, she blushed slightly.

"I don't mean to ruin the moment, but this is?" Clara questioned still confused.

"Mom this is Abraham, my boyfriend." Clara looked confused for a second as Avery held her small hand in Abraham's hand which was vastly larger. 

"You're dating my daughter huh?" A stern look overcame Clara's face.

"Yes, ma'am I love your daughter very much." Abraham said obviously worried as to her next response.

"You break her heart, and I will break you. Got it?" Clara said raising an eyebrow as Abraham nodded.

"I have no intention of hurting her." Abraham said as Clara smiled.

"Good, give me an hour to pack and we can leave for this new world." Clara said as Avery's eyes widened. 

"You're going to come with us!?"  Avery questioned happily.

"Well, I won't let you two girls be alone in this new world, besides it's probably been days since you've had a home cooked meal. And-" Clara looked at Abraham.

"I want to get to know the man who is in love with my daughter." Clara said as Abraham gave her a small nod.

Clara left to her room to pack as Atlas sat on the sofa, Avery taking Abraham up to her old room so she could grab clothing and a few other things.

"This is far better than our world." Abraham said as Avery smiled.

"My mom is good at fixing things, kind of like you do. She will have the town renovated in no time. " Avery said as Abraham smiled.

"I've missed you so much." Abraham said as he pulled Avery into his lap. Avery sat there happily. 

"I've missed you too Abraham, I looked at that photo you snuck into my bag every morning. That reminds me, the figure who killed the man with the color changing eyes, was it you?" Avery asked as Abraham shook his head.

"It wasn't me; I was a few hours behind you all." Abraham said as Avery nodded thinking for a moment. 

"Okay, well I'm just glad you're here now, besides now we can go back home, and we can start a life together. That is if you still want to-" Avery gets cut off by Abraham

"I want to!" Abraham said kind of quickly. 

"I haven't stopped thinking of you since you left, and although the forge is not nearly big enough as it is my shop. There are a few houses for sale in the town." Abraham said as Avery blushed.

"Are you asking me to move in with you Abraham?" Avery said as Abraham looked away.

"If moving in with me means I get to wake up beside of you every day, I get to watch you enjoy your life whilst being a part of it then, yes. I'd like it if you would move in with me. And be mine." Avery blushed hearing Abraham's words.

"Yes." Avery said as she kissed Abraham, she had missed him very much over the past few days they spent on the journey home.

"Girls I'm ready to go!" Clara said as Avery stood up getting off of Abraham's lap.

"Time to go home." Avery said as Abraham smiled.

So, a new person has entered the human world? 

Abraham followed the girls and now they plan to return back to the mystical world. 

Avery's mother Clara is also moving to this new world. 

What will the future hold for the girls? We shall find out in the next chapter. 

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