Chapter nineteen new abilities

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Atlas awoke the next morning to see Avery awake watching for monsters. She was holding her bow which had an arrow against the string. 

"Morning, I thought you were meant to wake me up-" Atlas pulled out her phone and seen two hours had passed since she was meant to take over the watch for the monsters so Avery could sleep. 

"Two hours ago, Aves." Avery looked back at Atlas who was clearly worried.

"I'm alright I couldn't sleep anyways" Avery said watching the woods.

"Come on, it's time we get moving. I want to get this adventure over with." Avery said as Atlas watched Avery look at the photo of Abraham before putting it back in her pocket. Avery then walked into the woods further down a path in the direction of the dragon stone.

"Woah wait up!" Atlas shouted grabbing her bag and meeting up with Avery, Atlas was holding her Axe not paying attention while Avery was keeping an eye on her surroundings.

"What is up with you today?" Atlas said as Avery looked at her.

"I just want to get home" Avery said as Atlas looked at her face, it had looked as she had been crying.

"Aves what's wrong?" Atlas said looking at her. Avery's voice suddenly came out Shakey

"I don't look the same, the ears, the eyes, the fire. I may be better now but my mother. Abraham what if I'm not the same to them." Avery said as Atlas tilted her head.

"Abraham fell in love with you because of your personality, as for Clara. She knows her daughter just because you look different now doesn't mean she won't understand." Atlas spoke as Avery nodded. 

The two continued to walk in silence for a few moments when they saw a sign.

"Hey it's another town! It says, "Town of Mid brook?" Atlas looked at Avery.

"Oh yeah there it is!" Avery pointed to the map where the town was located.

"Where closer to the stone than expected, we just have to pass through this town and then a swamp and we will be at the foot of the dragon's eye mountain." Avery explained as Atlas nodded.

"Then let's get heading that way." Atlas said as she began to walk in the direction of the town, Avery following closely behind her. Suddenly there was a rumble in the bushes aside of them. Atlas held up her axe and Avery did the same with her bow. Suddenly an animal that was small popped out, Avery quickly landing an arrow in it. She picked it up by its tail. It had a snake like tail with deer antlers and the body of a raccoon. 

"Hm, maybe we can trade it up the road at the town." Avery said unfazed as Atlas looked at her.

"Uh, yeah maybe." Avery smiled and held the dead creature as they walked into the new town, the town was a bit darker, and most places were made from wood like the other town. The road was empty as they passed by a shop that said "Goods, will barter" on the sign. The girls walked inside to see a tall red headed woman, she greeted them caringly. 

"Hello and welcome to my small store how can I help you two ladies today?" The woman said as Avery held up the creature. 

"Do you know what this is and is it of any value?" Avery said as the woman looked at the creature.

"That my dear is a Sernine." The girls looked at one another confused. 

"It's a Sernine, it's a small creature with a grey body, it has antlers and a reptilian tail." The girl smiled. 

"Some of the glands can be used for medicine and people like to collect the Antlers, I'll give you twenty silver for it." The woman said as she leaned over the counter. Avery handed it to her, and the woman opened the safe to the store pulling out twenty silver coins and handing it to Atlas. 

"There you are ladies; I hope you have a wonderful day and if you need anything or have anything else to barter, I will gladly take a look" the shop woman said as she returned to the back carrying the dead Sernine. 

"Alright time to go" Atlas said as Avery nodded. Both the girls made their way out of the store and walked down the dusty old road. 

"Hey Avery?" Atlas said as Avery looked up from the map.

"I think you're getting a few eyes on you." Avery looked around hearing Atlas's words as a group of men leaned against one of the houses. One man was clearly half dragon, he had a tail and horns and sharp teeth which showed when he smiled. The other man smiled and when he did, so he possessed a tongue of a snake, his eyes closed from the sides rather than the top lid meeting the bottom of his eyes. And the last guy looked completely normal until Avery noticed his eye color suddenly changed from blue, to green, and then to red. It was almost strange, but Avery tried to ignore the group of men. 

The two girls continued through the town and down a path that would lead into the swamp, suddenly as the girls were alone the group of guys came out from behind a tree in front of them

"Well, Well, well aren't we just the luckiest men around, two beautiful women have appeared right in front of us." the guy who was half dragon looked at the man with the snake like tongue. 

"Yes- we definitely are very lucky to be acquainted by such divine women" The man said with a hiss. 

"Too bad boys, I'm taken and she's off limits." Avery clicked her tongue in annoyance as Atlas put her axe over her shoulder.

"Besides, who says were lucky to be acquainted by you three." Atlas looked at Avery who smirked Devilishly. 

"Well don't they have quite the tongue on them" the man said revealing the snake like tongue again, his words slurring slightly.

"Just what exactly does that tongue do?" The same man said with a devilish grin, one matching Avery's.

"It's about to hurt your damn feelings if you don't back up." Atlas said pulling her axe off her shoulder and holding it in her hands by the handle. 

"Oooh, I'm so scared. This one obviously needs to be tamed." The half dragon man said laughing, Avery noticed the man with the colorful eyes stayed quiet.

"Sorry boys, were a little wild. Far too wild for you to tame." Avery smirked as the boys grew angry. 

"Let's find out princess." The man with the snake tongue said as he lunged at Avery. 

So new characters enter the fold. 

Two men who can't keep their mouth shut and a man with eyes that change color. 

What does this mean for the girls? Their closer to the stone then every before and soon enough their path home will be open. As long as they can get passed these guys who have no manners. 

Let's find out what's in the next chapter! 

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