Chapter twenty-three newfound home

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As everyone headed back to the town of Dragons Bard Avery kept an eye on the new man dressed in a lab coat. 

"So, who are you anyways?" Avery asked as the man picked his head up from looking at the ground.

"How rude of me, my name is Arthur." Arthur says as he looks back at Avery and then his eyes drift to Atlas. 

Atlas looked at the man for a second and then back at the path, battle axe in hand walking beside Clara. Clara had always been a mother figure to Atlas due to her family not being all that interested in her wellbeing.

"How much further?" Atlas asked looking at Abraham knowing he knows the path to the town a lot better than they do.

"Not too much further about five minutes." Abraham said as he held Avery's hand in his as Avery smiled happily. 

"Do you have a research center there?" Arthur asked curiously. 

"We can make one, we have a medicinal place that would probably go hand in hand with the research you do." Abraham said looking at Arthur who was studying his notes he brought along.

After the five minutes of walking, they all met the town in the distance. 

"There it is mom" Avery said as she looked at Clara who's eyes where larger than usual. Clara saw so much she was able to fix, and deep-down Clara loved to fix things. 

"I can't wait to fix it up." Clara said as Avery smiled to Abraham. 

They all walked into the town; Avery guided Clara and Arthur to the inn and paid for their rooms for the next three days. Avery then pointed out the window to a few homes for sale as Clara nodded. 

Atlas walked up to Avery and looked at her. 

"So, this is home now hm?" Atlas said and smiled softly. 

"Yep! Were definitely going to have some changes, starting with scavenging and finding money." Avery says as Atlas nodded.

"Speaking of that, we should head out soon to capture stuff to sell again, besides with Clara buying a house here we are going to have to be able to afford it. Assuming we are all staying there." They both look at Clara as she nods. 

"Of course, you are welcome to stay there considering the fact that you girls are helping to pay for it." Clara said and smiled unpacking into the inn room. The girls left and Atlas went out to find some quick things close to the house to scavenge and sell. 

Avery went back to the other inn room with Abraham, He sat on the bed pulling Avery onto his lap.

"So princess, do you still want to move in with me?" Abraham questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Well for now me and Atlas are going to stay with my mom but after my mom is settled in then yes, we can start looking for a place of our own." Avery said as Abraham nodded

"Good because I still want to get to know you better." Abraham said as Avery smiled and giggled slightly.

"I want to get to know you more as well Abraham." Avery said as she kissed his cheek. 

Back in the other inn room, Clara unpacked before she headed down the stairs to speak to the inn keepers. A nice woman and her husband stood at the check in desk.

"Hello Ma'am, how can I help you?" The woman said smiling. 

"I was actually wondering if I could help you. I am a repair woman and i'm looking for work, I was wondering if there were any repairs you needed in exchange for payment?" Clara said as the Ladies eyes widened. 

"Well yes we have quite a few things that need to be done; we haven't had someone who could repair things in quite a while. There are a few sinks in the rooms that need to be redone, the boiler constantly shuts off causing cold water." The woman went on as Clara nodded listening.

"How about I start you off with a sink on the second floor in room F, every sink you get fixed I'll give you ten silver." The woman said as Clara nodded.

"Okay!" Clara smiled as the woman handed her the keys to the room and Clara eagerly headed upstairs. 

Clara unlocked the door to the room and walked inside, it looked like every other room. Clara turned on the sink, but the water didn't come out. She quickly got to work finding the issue and fixing it. After half an hour she returned to the front desk where the lady followed her back up to the room checked the sink and paid her ten silver. Clara eagerly continued onto the next room saving her silver for the new house and the things she would need to fix that up as well without a doubt. 

Atlas stood outside, she was crouched behind a tree holding her knife, her axe was in its holder, and she looked around the tree to see a creature that looked like an elk, its fur was blue, and its antlers had moss covering it. She remembered how Miss Evelin would be able to sell the horns and the meat would go to good use. Quickly she turned and threw the knife as it hit the animal in the heart. The animal let out a screech and ran off before falling over. Atlas heard it in the distance and followed. Soon she got a odd feeling as if someone was watching her. She gripped her axe pulling it out and turning around. Quickly she saw Arthur who was now frightened as she held the axe to his neck.

"What the hell are you doing following me?" Atlas said dropping the axe from his neck.

"I apologize, I saw the animal you were going after, and it was beautiful. Then I noticed you and your technique, and I couldn't help but watch." Arthur said showing a small smile as Atlas brushed his words off.

"I have to go find the animal." Atlas said as she started to walk.

"May I come?" Arthur said pushing his glasses up on his nose. 

"If you can handle blood sure." Atlas walked further into the woods finding the animal.

The animal laid on the ground the knife sticking out of it, soon Atlas realized that the blood of the animal was not red but blue like that of its fur. She quickly pulled the knife out and got to work cutting the hide and meat off wrapping it all in cloths. She then took the teeth and antlers heading back to town, Arthur followed behind her watching intriguingly.

So, Clara finally has work that she enjoys

Avery and Atlas will be living with Clara until she settles in

Why is Arthur suddenly showing an interest in Atlas? 

More to find out in the next chapter.  

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