Chapter Twenty-Eight A New Home

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Atlas left the bathroom now fully dressed; the cloth felt weird against her new scales. As she passed the mirror on the way out of the bathroom, she caught a glimpse of herself. Arthur's words rang in her ears "Beautiful, not a monster" She thought to herself as she smiled a bit and walked out of the bathroom. 

"Want to watch a movie until they get back? I cooked some food." Arthur said as he turned around to see Atlas smiling. 

"T-That smells amazing. I don't think me, and Avery have eaten a decent meal since we got here." She smiles as Arthur hands her a plate of meat potatoes and corn.

"Well, I like to cook." Arthur says smiling as he takes his plate and sits down by the tv turning it on, the town was not as advanced as the other towns in this world, they had tv sure but most of the phones were wall phones. Arthur looked to advance the technology within the town in the future. 

As for now both Arthur and Atlas sat down on the sofa and ate their food while watching a movie. 

After they ate, they finished the movie when Avery and the others walked through the door. 

"Its official we own a home!" Clara said smiling holding the keys to their new home. 

"It needs a lot of work" Abraham said as Clara glared at him. 

"It's a fixer upper and I am a fixer thank you." Clara said with pride.  

Atlas laughed at the two before she stood up turning around, suddenly a look of shock covered everyone's face. 

"Atlas your-" Avery said before getting cut off. 

"Look I know, I'm different, but." Atlas looked down at Arthur who nodded before she continued speaking.

"But I think I look amazing, and to be honest I feel more like me then I ever had." Atlas said as she prepared for the worse responses possible. 

Suddenly Avery and Clara walked over and pulled Atlas into a hug.

"We agree, you are beautiful dear." Clara said as Avery nodded. 

Atlas smiled and looked down at Arthur who was sitting on the sofa, he gave a bright and proud smile. 

"Alright, let's get out of this stuffy inn!" Atlas said as Avery cackled. 

Everyone spent the next hour packing their things and paid off the inn keepers for the time that they spent there, after they followed Clara down the path through town. They took a left out of town and walked for about five minutes before they got to an old house. It was completely wooden other than the base which was made of a sturdy stone base. The house had two floors; it was clearly beaten down but the sign in front of it now said "SOLD" which seemed to bring a smile to Clara's face. 

"Isn't this a little-" Atlas began to speak as she got cut off

"A fixer upper I know, but its big. Has potential and-" Clara gets cut off

"And Mom loves fixing things" Avery said as she looked at Clara who smiled. 

They all entered the house, Avery smirked at Atlas. 

"Let's go pick out our rooms!" Avery said running up the stairs as Atlas laughed and looked at Clara. 

"This is just as much as your home as it is ours now Atlas, that goes for you too Arthur. And don't think I won't be keeping an eye on you both just as I do Avery. So! Keep the doors open." Clara gives a stern look. 

Arthur and Atlas lock eyes and blush as they look away. Atlas walks up the stairs to pick out a room when she sees Avery dancing around in one of the rooms. 

"This is the one!" Avery says as she stands in a large bedroom with a double closet and attached bathroom. 

Atlas looks at all of the bedrooms but none of them feel right. Suddenly she noticed a string coming from the roof she looks up to see a trap door to an attic. 

"Hey, Zach's son showed us that. It's the attic, its full of boxes and junk but you can take a look if you want." Clara said as she stood at the top of the stairs. 

Atlas smiled and pulled the trap door string as a ladder unfolded, Atlas started up the ladder into a loft like attic space, it was surely enough full of boxes. Atlas spent some time pushing around boxes to get through but once she did, she managed to get to one of the larger windows. She looked out of it and saw the middle of the town in the distance. 

"Here" Atlas said as Clara made her way up the ladder. 

"Huh Hun?" Clara questioned.

"I want this to be my room." Atlas said as she looked at Clara. 

"You sure?" Clara asked raising an eyebrow looking around at all of the boxes. 

"Yeah, it's it. This feels safe." Atlas said looking at Clara. 

"Your safe too." Atlas said as Clara smiled and walked over hugging her. 

"Look I know that your parents weren't the best, and I know that you left them behind and it was difficult but please know that I look at you like my own. And I would be happy to call you, my daughter." Clara said as Atlas's eyes widened. 

"Are you-" Atlas gets cut off. 

"If they have adoptions here, I want to adopt you." Clara says as she starts to ramble. 

"You'll be Avery's sister if you chose to only if you chose to!" Atlas quickly hugged Clara which caused her to stop rambling. 

"I'd like that" Atlas said smiling a little as she hugged Clara. 

"G-Good" Clara said and hugged her back. 

"Abraham! Come check out our room!" Clara heard Avery on the second floor and laughed. 

"Better go make sure they don't take my room" Clara said as Atlas laughed, Clara made her way down the ladder and left Atlas alone in the new room of hers. 

Atlas began to move boxes around to one side of the room went suddenly she heard a large boom, she rushed to one of the windows and looked out to see a figure. The window was blurred as it was dirty. Suddenly Abraham called out. 

"Atlas get down here now!" Abraham called as Atlas rushed down the ladder and out of the house. She gasped when she saw Avery laying on the ground, her stomach burnt and smoldering. 

"I'm S-Sorry I c-can't s-stop it!" A voice was heard as everyone looked up to see a man bent over holding his head. Suddenly he screamed a bloody scream as his entire body became engulfed in flames. 

To be continued. 

Another character enters the fold. 

Clara wants to adopt Atlas

And Atlas has begun to feel confident in herself. 

Let's find out what happens next- Wait a minute! This is the end of the first book! That's right I said first book!

That does in fact conclude the first book meaning that there will be a second, I want to thank you for reading and for being patient with the uploading dates. If you liked the book then you will love the second, stay tuned to find out who the new character is and if Avery is alright! 

In the next book called. "The dragon's heart" 

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