Three years later...

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Albus Dumbledore, the so-called 'light' leader was seen pacing back and forth in his office at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. A beautiful Phoenix named Fawkes was sat on his perch, watching the man who had kept him hostage for many years, in pure apprehension. The same could be said for the portraits that hung on the walls, all with previous headmasters and headmistresses that had past away. One, in particular, found the scene fucking hilarious. How can he not, Phineas Black sure did enjoy watching the old goat lose the plot.

Albus, on the other hand, was neither amused nor thrilled with the situation he found himself in. It had been three years, three whole years since those potter brats, as he calls them, had gone missing without a trace. They would be starting their third year in a few days and yet, they were nowhere to be found. Not only has his plans to make them into the perfect 'light' soldiers, gone out the window, but somehow, all his plans to rule the wizarding world had begun to unravel along with it.

Starting with being denied access to the Potter vault, which had been the main source of income for himself and some of his most valuable followers since James and Lily Potter had been murdered. Molly Weasley, along with her youngest daughter Ginerva, had put up a huge fuss when he was unable to provide them with their monthly salary. Also, many of the laws that he had hoped would pass, had been denied, much to his shock. Now, dark creatures, like werewolves and Vampires, had rights to education, and jobs and are even able to reproduce.

He blamed the Potter brats all-heartedly. If they attended Hogwarts like they were expected to, they would have been there to save the philosopher's stone from Voldemort's clutches. He wasn't stupid, of course, he knew that Tom was possessing the defence against the dark arts teacher, Professor Quirrell, in their supposed first year. Unfortunately for Dumbledore, he managed to escape with the stone and he was pretty sure he had regained his body. He was almost positive that all the problems were due to Tom Riddle, also known as Voldemort, and yet, he can't help but feel he had an accomplice to do his bidding, someone who had more power in the wizarding world than his normal death eaters.

The worst had to be when a trial for Sirius Black was demanded the previous year. Yes, he knew Sirius was innocent but he couldn't have him raising the twins, they would have never been the low self-esteemed, affection-seeking children that he needed them to be. And yet, somehow, Peter Pettigrew had appeared in the office of the head of magical law enforcement, Amelia Bones, with a letter demanding a trial, one that Sirius Black had never received previously. It caused an absolute up raw, many were pointing the finger at Albus, wondering how he could let a man get sent to Azkaban for 11 years, without trial and a right to prove his innocence. He had been found not guilty and after some mind healing, he claimed his lordship ring to the house of Black, also taking his seats on the wizard council.

A knock at the door stopped his ranting, he let out an aggravated sigh and sat behind his desk. He called out for the person to enter.


"Ah, Severus, my boy. Thank you for coming on such short notice" Albus greeted with a welcoming tone, though only a select few could tell it was completely fake. He gestured for the potion master to take a seat, which he did with his usual emotionless expression.

"What is it you want, Albus?" Severus questioned in a cold tone. He could see the annoying twinkle in the headmaster's eye dim slightly, which gave the potion master an odd satisfaction.

"The students will be arriving in a few days and we are still not close enough to figuring out where Mr and Miss Potter have gone. Also, training Mr Longbottom seems to be a waste of time, he is completely refusing to participate" A scowl formed on the headmaster's face whilst Severus Snape simply sat back and watched things not go Albus' way.

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