Protective wolves and the visit from the minister.

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It was commonly known that any little rumour or event that happened at Hogwarts would spread through magically Britain within days due to the letters being sent by the children to their families. The information that was broadcasted throughout the castle by Lady Hogwarts had reached every home before the day was over, meaning that by the next morning, the ministry of magic had heard of the Potter-Black twin's famous power. Naturally, this new information had various responses, some people were thrilled and in awe of the twins, whilst others were envious and thought the two-third years did not deserve such power, especially when their magic hadn't reached its maturity yet.

The twins had been well respected the moment they arrived at Hogwarts, however, now that every student knew of their titles and power, the Twins found that some of those who weren't all that fond of them, had now tried to befriend them. Hadrian and Delila found it both frustrating and amusing, they understood why people were behaving in such a way but the twins saw them in a less respectable light. They hated fakes but they hated power-hungry people even more and from the response they received, they could point out those who genuinely respected the twins and those who simply want to use them for their and their family's benefits in the future.

There were four people, however, who had grown to hate the twins even more due to the knowledge of their inheritance and power. Dumbledore knew they were a threat to his plans and was livid that they wouldn't follow him as others had blindly done so many times before. Ronald and Ginerva were envious because they felt their family deserved the riches that the twins had, they were purebloods after all and despite being labelled as 'blood traitors' they were still part of an old family. They refuse to acknowledge the many titles as anything but undeserved. Pansy had always been jealous of the twins, especially Delila who had everyone's attention the moment she arrived at Hogwarts. In her opinion, Draco had loved and adored her before the twins came into his life and all of a sudden, he wanted nothing to do with her.

The twins, along with their friends who had met them outside of their private quarters, walked through the castle to the great hall for breakfast. Hadrian and Delila ignored the whispers and stares but that couldn't be said for the others, who were glaring at anyone who would look at the twins for longer than necessary.

"I'm telling you, brother, the red shirt does not go well with those trousers" Delila chuckled as she looked down at her brother's dark green trousers. Hadrian stopped abruptly and looked at his twin with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Excuse me, sister, but my style is amazing" He responded with a smirk, making a few girls who had been walking past, swoon at the sight. Delila hummed sarcastically and continued to walk down the corridor, coming close to the great hall doors.

"She's such a pain in my-" his sentence was cut off when he walked into his sister, who had stopped in the doorway. He looked over her head which was easy due to the height difference and raised an eyebrow at the familiar man who was sitting at the staff table in deep conversation with the headmaster.

"What's the minister doing here?" Hermione asked, exchanging confused looks with those around her, who were equally baffled by the appearance of the minister.

"Do you think it has something to do with you two?" Draco asked his cousins, who shrugged their shoulders before entering the hall. The group had grown frustrated by the way the twins were getting treated, especially by Dumbledore, who has done everything in his power to control the twins and had become even more persistent when he realised it wasn't working.

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