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❝𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑚𝑒❞


Jungkook repositioned his ladderback few a times so as to get better view from his center pivot window. A hot mug of espresso warmed his partially ragged mittens up. On a December morning, that was all could Jungkook ask for, just if Taehyung would choose to snuggle up against his chest, nuzzling in his crook or sitting on his lap resting his head on the burly's chest, that was a cherry on top.

He took a sip while his mind wandered off to events forthcoming. How would Taehyung appear on their big day, which colored tuxedo would suit him the best, if he would be able to conquer his shy smile while his husband would be reciting the vows. With another swig, his diffident, rapt smile made its way to warbling larks outwards.

It would be a deception if Jungkook didn't admit, he has already envisioned how their marital life would turn out to be, from arising early beside his baby bear to waking his husband every morning up with one forehead kiss before leaving for work, or cooking meals together when Jungkook would often ask for a peck but Taehyung would appear sulky, or when they would cuddle up against each other while binge watching movies at night under a thick duvet with some home baked cookies. That was not the end although, Jungkook has drew up many more coupl-ey things he looked forward to, that list is a neverending one.

Things like playing overwatch together, fighting over the remote, having a blast at karaoke, creating playlists, working out while being in sync with each other, minor disputes or inconveniences...yes he did include that too as that becomes a natural process once you're married to someone, adopting pets and kids, their kids running to him after he retires to home, and about their first night.

He felt a burning sensation on the tip of his tongue as it touched on the tart like lemon taste. Jungkook put down the ceramic mug, and looked through their valance curtains. The sky was covered with thick fog and cluster of nimbostratus clouds which could disappear into rain or snow anytime soon.

"Hmm...not the best day for a sail," Jungkook didn't really regard the day to come so soon. Not that he was not happy, he could barely wait for their wedding but he couldn't tell why he felt a tight knot in the middle of his chest. He brushed it off thinking maybe it was because he has never been on a cruise or ferry before and nothing more severe. A kind of elation.

Taehyung hasn't came to the scene yet, he probably doesn't even remember about the sail although in Jungkook's thoughts that was very unlikely, for Taehyung was more invested into anything related sea, ocean or water itself. Jungkook left his ceramic mug on coffee table in solitude and walked away, peeping in through a thin gap between the door and their room.

His baby bear was still soundly asleep, guileless as an infant. In Jungkook's words Taehyung indeed was innocent as a newborn, a day old. He could never undergo treachery and had a heart made of pure preciousness. Much contrast to Jungkook's. Taehyung wouldn't buy it but Jungkook was indeed quite the opposite, self absorbed and more often than not he put himself before everyone else.

Jungkook didn't quite realize when did he walk in and began rumpling Taehyung's thick, streaky hair. Taehyung wasn't perfect, he was not the beauty standard but he was beautiful, so Jungkook loved him nonetheless. It wouldn't be too wrong to say Jungkook commended his flaws more than his perfections.

Taehyung lacked a proper upper lip, he had few gaps between his teeth and had several stretch marks on his body. Even his hip dips were admired by Jungkook, he even admitted to Taehyung how he loved his hip dips even more than his hourglass lithe. Jungkook would never remind Taehyung every passing second how beautiful he was because that was according to him not very 'Jungkook type', he swore on his life he would do anything but lie to make someone feel better, he would rather lie to shade on someone, just so he could get a self validation. But once in a while he would definitely compliment his fiance, genuinely. Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder, that was Jungkook's sole motto.

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