Chapter 8: With the Help of Nick!

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I walked into school next day. I walked over to my locker and unlocked it. When I opened it, I saw Billy Dee stuffed inside of their! "Ah! What are you doing here?" It sounded like he said "Jhaufnsjdjskbe." He was so stuffed inside the locker I couldn't understand him. I pulled him and said "Try it again." He pulled out his FlowerPhone Six Plus and said "Look!" He went onto In-Star-Gram (Nailed it! I'll explain the joke later) and showed me Steven's account. His latest post was the picture of me holding my underwear! In the description it said #Whataloser #hashtag #butfirstletmetakeanunderwearselfie
I said "Danget!" Billy Dee said "I know right! You can't just show everyone someone's underwear!" I said "No! Not that! I'm mad because he's trying to become king of hashtags (#kingofhashtags) and that's supposed to be me!" He said "That joke is so last chapter, you need a new one for this chapter". "What if I talked like Shakespeare a lot?" "That'll do perfectly!" I said "I now understandeth the real problem! The deleting of the pictureth must be undergone by thy ball of orange and the turtle of green!" I heard a voice behind me. It said "What about me?" We turned around and saw Nick! I said "Hey Nick! You're finally in a chapter!" He said "Yea it's not in the official book but the author said this is all I'm gonna get. So what do I do?" Billy Dee said "You can help us delete a picture of Chris holding his underwear on Steven's account on In-star-gram." He said "Oh my gosh that really happened!" I said "I know right! We need to-" "Let me see the picture!" I said "What? No!" I slapped Billy Dee's phone out of his hand and it hit the floor and broke. He said "That was the Flower Phone Six Plus!" I said "Who cares! The Flower Watch is coming soon!" We started walking through the hall." I said "So what now? How do we delete the picture and take vengeance? C'mon! There are no wrong answers! Nick said "We could get a big elephant, and have it step on everything." I said "Sorry, wrong answer." I pulled out a remote and pushed a button. A floor tile sprung up under Nick and he got shot through the roof. I said "How 'bout you Billy Dee?" "I'm all for the elephant thing." I sighed. Is anyone gonna help me today? Riley said "I like turtles." I said "Shut up!" Nick walked back into school. "What was that for!?" I said "I was just completing the reference. Now listen guys. This picture might ruin my entire reputation if it stays up for too long. I'd be really mad if it did. I would have no friends. I would be stuck with you guys!" "Hey!" "The point is, we needeth to deleteth that picture. Now tell me, who are we?" They said "Video game high." "Who are we?!" "Video game high!" "I can't hear you!" "Video game high!!!!!" "Right! Now let's go!" The bell rang. "Sigh. Let's start at recess."
2 and a half hours later
We went into the parking lot for recess. We threw a football around for a bit. Then, I said "What are we doing? We're supposed to delete the picture!" They said "Oh yea." I said "I had cameth prepared." I pulled out a giant bazooka and said "How's bout we use this puppy?" Billy Dee said "Does it shoot elephants?" "No." "Does it shoot marshmallows?" "No." "Does it shoot bananas?" "No." "Does it shoot-" "It shoots arceus diglet missiles!" "Oh."
Nick said "Let me try!" He grabbed it. He pointed it at the school and pulled the trigger. A missile came out and blew up the school. A lot of stuff was on fire!
We saw Steven crawling towards us. He yelled "Ok! ok! I surrender! I'll delete the picture!" I said "Did you plan that?" Nick said "No."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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