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"is it real or just another crush?"- crush, david archuleta

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"is it real or just another crush?"
- crush, david archuleta

Brooks' truck comes to an abrupt stop as we arrive at school. With a thump, my head flings backwards.
"Really? I thought you knew how to drive" I complained, rubbing the sore spot on the back of my head.

"I do, it's just this idiot ran in front of us!" Brooks yelled.
Pointing to the freshman that just scurried across the street.
"Watch where you're walking, dumbass!" Brooks shouted.

"Calm down, dude. We all know you just suck at driving" Kalem chuckled.
Brooks eyed Kalem as he continued to park. Kalem ruffles his hair teasingly, making Brooks even more irritated. I can't help but laugh.

"What're you laughing at, Sparkle? At least I can drive by myself" Brooks teased.

"I can drive by myself. My parents just don't allow me to do so" I shrugged as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

I'm a great driver, not once have I gotten into an accident. Only because I never drive anywhere else but the supermarket. But that's not the point. I can drive.

"Yeah, ok. Whatever" Brooks mocked as the three of us got out of the truck. He's unbelievable.

"I can. You're- I don't even wanna try to argue. But I am fully capable of driving by myself" I explained. Brooks scoffed slinging his backpack on his right shoulder.

We all shut our doors and began walking towards Oceanside High. Brooks met up with some of his football friends as I waited for Kalem, jogging behind. Reaching me, he places his left arm across my shoulders.

"Don't worry about him, Selener. He's just mad cause you called him on his shit like you always do" Kalem states with his signature grin. I laugh as I wrap my arm around him.

We continued to walk side by side from the parking lot. I spot Ivy and Keala under the big oak tree fronting the school. Breaking from Kal, I run towards them.

"Hey!" we all scream joining into a big group hug. I would never trade these two girls for anything in the world.

"I know we literally hung out all summer but I'm just so happy to see you guys!" Ivy shrieked in her dainty British accent. She looked perfect in her white and pink sundress with her hair done up with a ribbon.

"Right? I'm so glad to see you girls again!" Keala shouted. Her sunkissed waves blew in the air behind her.

Ivy moved from England around the same time I came into town. Keala grew up in Cali but said her parents moved from Hawai'i just like mine. We all met in our sixth grade homeroom and been friends ever since.

We broke from the hug and began walking side by side to our first classes.

"What do you have first, Lena?" Ivy queried fumbling with her schedule. I unfold mine searching for my first period.

"Uh, it says I have Social Studies in B209. With Mr. Ochoa. You?"

"Chemistry in C103 with Mrs.Whittman"
"Shit. What about you Ala?" I asked.

Keala flips her schedule paper over and skims over it.
"English Lit in A104 with Professor Pacarro" she shrugged stooping at her locker.

"Do we have any classes together this year?" Ivy inquired opening her locker two spots down.

"After English Lit I have a free. Then homeroom/lunch, Socials, and Marine Biology" Keala stated as she examined her schedule.

"Oh nice! I have a free after first too!" Ivy boomed.

"Same. Guess we might have time together after all" I stated, grabbing my supplies from my locker.

Ivy and Keala talk amongst themselves as I rummage through my locker.
Ok class folders, check. Song book and reading book. Check and check. All set.
I slam my locker shut and turn to leave. But I'm met with those familiar honey brown eyes.

"Hey Sparkle, whatcha got there?" Brooks wondered, nodding towards my full arms. He stood there in his golden boy shine. Letterman jacket and everything. Dean and Jackson, two of his teammates stood behind him.

"Books, ever heard of them?" I joked. I looked to Ivy and Keala, only to see them enjoying whatever this is taking place. Brooks smirked, brushing off my sad excuse for a joke. His left arm now above my head, leaning against the locker.

When we're at school it's almost as if Brooks and I play this game. He acts like the arrogant, boastful jock. I act like the wise smart mouth I am. We play it out as if we can't stand each other. But that's never true. I could never hate him. I know he could never hate me.

"Haha very funny. Want a hand? Wouldn't want one of your famous 'Slip Ups' " Brooks teased. Dean and Jackson chuckled behind him. I scowl wanting this conversation to be over.

The "slip ups"  Brooks mentions aren't even slip ups at all. Like that time I bumped into Señora Gonzales. It wasn't my fault, how was I supposed to see her over my stack of textbooks when she's all of 4'10?!

"No Brooks, I'll be fine. But shouldn't you be going to class? Wouldn't want you sitting on the bench for the next game" I mocked. Something close to hurt flashed in his eyes. Just for a second.

"Ha. They would never bench me. I'm too good" he smirked, unfazed by my statement.
I roll my eyes as I clutch my things to my chest, Brooks still blocking me from leaving my locker.

He gently reaches forward with his right hand, tucking a stray piece of my hair behind my ear. Our eyes meet briefly. I notice the subtle golden tones as he maintains eye contact. The butterflies slowly creep up from the bottom of my stomach as he leans towards my ear. His breath hot on my skin. My limbs slowly going to jello at the feeling.

"Got nothing to say, Selena?" he whispered into my ear.
Subtle chills went down my spine. My mind going still. Brooks leaned straight up, meeting my eyes again. I could feel my heartbeat racing. Getting stronger each second more looking at Brooks. BRRING!! The bell sounded breaking our stare.

"I gotta- uh get to class" I stuttered, feeling the heat in my cheeks. Brooks dropped his hand that was against the locker. A cocky look slapped on his face. I pushed past him, Dean, and Jackson to walk to class. Ivy and Keala's footsteps following behind.

"What was that?" Ivy squealed. I try to hide my blushing.
"I don't know" I shrugged.

I really didn't know. Brooks has never done anything like that. Sure we've always had playful conversations. But that one was... That one felt different.

"Did something finally happen with him this summer? Keala questioned curiously.
"No, nothing happened" I stated shaking my head.
But now I think something might.

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