another miles morales oneshot cuz i just watched spiderman into da spiderverse

16 2 6

fem!reader again

the bell rung and miles sighed in relief. he stepped out of the classroom and accidentally bumped into a tall girl talking with a friend.

"hey, whats your problem?" she snapped.

"sorry," miles said, trying to walk away, but the tall girl yanked him back.

"emilie (if youre name is emilie change it to vanessa), leave him alone," a girl in a f/c hoodie said, grabbing the tall girl's hand. "he obviously didnt try to."

the tall girl scoffed and let go of miles' wrist. "hes not worth it anyway," she said, turning back to her friend.

"thanks for that," miles said to his hoodied savior, but she had already started walking away.

"its nothing," she said, pulling her hood up.

"im miles," miles said, attempting to make conversation.

"y/n," the girl said shortly.

"wait, youre in my history class," miles realized.

"that i am," y/n said.

"dyou wanna work on the homework together?" miles asked.

at this y/n tensed up slightly. "sure," she said slowly. "we could go to the park. my roommate says that fresh air is good for brain stimulation or.. something."

miles let out a short laugh and nodded.

"sounds nice," he said.

y/n nodded as well and abruptly stopped. she undid a lock and the locker door she was standing in front of opened. y/n carefully pried her backpack out of the much-too-small locker and slammed it shut again.

"just needed to grab my homework," y/n said, tugging the strings of her hoodie so that her eyes, nose, and a few strands of hair were visible.

miles smiled and saw the corners of y/n's eyes crinkle in a hesitant smile.

he smiled back.

ending this here bc i have no motivation to finish it
i might have some later tho

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