my thoughts on aotc, specifically the battle of geonosis

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1. for some reason i love how when viceroy gunray told jango to shoot padme, he looked at him as if the viceroy had some nerve to talk to him like that

2. padme shoulda been nicer to the clone who asked if she was ok

3. 212 jedi entered the battle of geonosis and only 16 left, including anakin and obi-wan, which - in my opinion - is kinda pathetic


5. why do i feel like jangos whole mood while he was fighting windu was 'oh shet'

6. the jedi order saying 'at least the clones are on our side' is like alan grant saying 'at least raptors cant open doors'

7. palpatine is a terrible actor

8. jar-jar binks is definitely a sith lord and no one can convince me otherwise

9. i know a battle was going on but windu didnt have to yell at the clone like that

10. boba picking up jangos helmet after the battle made me cry

11. idk why but i dont like the idea of shmi getting married

12. clones say 'sir' a lot

13. i love clones

14. the father-son relationship between jango and boba always makes me smile

15. i love how, during the first half of the battle of geonosis, boba was just trying to get a good view at what was going on

16. why did both anakin and padme agree not to get in a relationship and then got married after the battle of geonosis

17. imagine being the driver for anakin and padmes chariot-thing and just turning to look at your prisoners and seeing them casually making out

18. why is it that when padme and a clone fell out of the gunship everyone was like 'oh no padme' but no one gave a shit about the clone
we need more clone appreciation people #clonelivesmatter

19. when anakin and obiwan went to fight dooku a clone joined them but he fell off the cliff :(

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