Three: Final Selection

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*(Y/N) POV*

I awoke to Giyuu jumping on my futon, "(Y/N)! WAKE UP! WE GOTTA GET GOING!" I groggily opened my eyes, stretching my body awake. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Don't you worry." I got out of bed following Giyuu to the kitchen for breakfast. We all ate silently. Today was the day we were leaving for Final Selection. We trained until our bodies could not take it anymore, and now it was time for us to show our skills. 

"Before you all leave, please take these. They are warding masks," Urokodaki-san handed us each a fox-shaped mask. Together Sabito, Giyuu, and I walked towards the door. Turning back around we bowed toward our teacher. 

"Thank you, Urokodaki-san, for taking me in and training me. For giving me a family to come back to," I finally spoke up. Our caregiver walked up and hugged me, "I'll see you after Final Selection, (Y/N). I'll see all of you after Final Selection." He patted the two young boys on the head. We all smiled, putting our masks on the side of our face and began our long journey.


After a long journey, we finally arrived. Walking through the beautiful Wisteria trees, we made our way to a common ground with other Demon Slayer's in training. I grabbed Sabito and Giyuu's hands, squeezing them. Sabito was surprised, but he was now like a big brother to me. Giyuu wasn't surprised, since we had been accepting of me the whole time. 

Two young children walked out, speaking to the group of candidates waiting, "Welcome to Final Selection. You all must survive on this mountain top for seven days. There are demons trapped here by the Wisteria flowers that bloom all year round. Survive for the week and you will become a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. Good luck."

I took a deep breath and began walking forward, Giyuu still holding onto my hand. Sabito followed behind us as we went through to where the demons stayed. The three of us swore to stick together. That way we would all make it back to Urokodaki-san alive.


The first six days flew by quickly. We had got into a rhythm of keeping watch at night and in shaded areas if someone needed rest. Often times, Giyuu stood watch with me making sure I was alright. I appreciated the protectiveness of the two boys who stayed with me. 

We were finally making our way back towards the meeting ground to end our Final Selection at sunrise. "Sabito! Do you think Urokodaki-san will make Simmered Salmon with Daikon when we get back?" Giyuu questioned his best friend. 

Sabito looked back at him smiling, "I'm sure he will, and some other meat for (Y/N) too." I smiled back at Sabito, appreciating his memory of my picky eating styles.

We were slowly approaching the end, but the forest surrounding us became too quiet. I pulled on Giyuu and Sabito's sleeves indicating for them to stop. Something was watching us. I placed my hand on my sword, ready to defend myself. 

After what seemed like hours, but was really seconds, a tree fell down nearly hitting us and revealed an extremely morphed demon. I immediately noticed the numerous arms that needed to be sliced just to get to the head. Giyuu was the first to attack, "Water Breathing Third Form, Flowing Dance." He had the same idea as me, remove the arms and go for the head. Except, Giyuu didn't make it to the neck and was thrown against a tree.

"GIYUU!" I screamed at the boy. "(Y/N), fight, I have him," Sabito urged me, but I froze, "(Y/N). I believe in you." With Sabito's encouragement and Giyuu being hurt, my fear immediately turned into anger. 

The demon spoke, "Those fox masks. You belong to Urokodaki, of course. I will eat all three of you! How amazing!" Everything around me started becoming dull, my eyes glued to the demon in front of me. 

I lost control. I could hear Sabito calling out to me, trying to stop me, as I finished my third attack, but I couldn't answer. I had to finish the target, "Water Breathing Second For-" 

"(Y/N)." Someone grabbed my hand. I watched Sabito run by me as I was pulled out of my trance.

"Giyuu. Please. I have to -" I got cut off by Giyuu, "No! Sabito!" I turned back to the demon, to see him holding Sabito, "Giyuu, take her and run. You can't fight, you're too hurt. Get back alive. Now!" Giyuu and I were frozen in our place watching our friend suffer to the demon. With one final breath Sabito yelled at us, "I believe in you guys. Go! Now!" 

Giyuu grabbed my hand and started running. The sun was starting to rise and the meeting ground was in view. We couldn't look back, not now. Even though we left our friend there. We left him. 

As the sun fully rose we walked back into the meeting ground, greeted by the other candidates and the two young children. 

"Congratulations. You have all completed the Final Selection -" My mind blanked after that. I couldn't focus. If I hadn't lost control. If I had just stayed rational with my movements. 

My thoughts were interrupted when a crow landed on my arm. Our messenger crows, of course. "Now you can all come choose the ore in which your swords will be forged with."

I followed Giyuu as everyone stood around the collection. No one moved, we all seemed unsure of what to choose. I eyed each ore, this isn't a test, this is us. The ore, it has to connect to us. I closed my eyes and controlled my breathing. Opening my eyes again, I spotted an ore that seemed to look different now from the others. Reaching out I grabbed it and handed it to one of the children, "Thank you." 

Everyone else looked at me shocked, but Giyuu now understood. He did the same, choosing his. The other candidates following.

"You will all receive your swords as soon as they are finished." With that, Giyuu and I started our journey back home in silence. Neither of us wanting to mention what had just happened. 

What would we tell Urokodaki-san?


Sorry, I know this chapter is choppy. Hopefully it makes sense and you guys are enjoying the beginning of the story :)


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