Seventeen: Living Nightmare

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*(Y/N) POV*

I put the note in the box and laid down for some rest. Today was fun but exhausting. Before I knew it I was passed out. 

I was standing in the back of the estate, waiting for Rengoku to come back. I felt something cold near me. There was no way it could be a demon, the wisteria should be keeping them away. I saw a shadow run by me quickly and I turned to grab my sword. 

Suddenly, Giyuu came toward me, "Hey now, it's just me. Don't take that out." I cautiously kept my eyes on what was in front of me, "You're not Giyuu." 

"I am. I finished my mission and heard you out here. What is going on?" He walked closer to me. I know better, I know that's not Giyuu. But, I can't attack. I thought this thing was dead. Urokodaki-san killed it. Giyuu lunged at me holding me down. I started kicking and trying to get free but I couldn't. I was stuck. 

"I'll make it quick, I promise," Giyuu spoke in a demonic tone. I started crying, still trying to break free. His hand turned into a claw and he went to push through my body. 

I gasped, shooting into a sitting up position. I felt someone pull me into their chest, "Hey. It's okay. I'm right here." 

How the hell did that happen? Why did that happen? I haven't thought about that demon in so long. Why now? 

Rengoku pulled away, keeping his hands on my shoulders, "I could hear you yelling from my room, what do you need?" 

I looked him in the eyes and barely whispered, "Tea." I really needed Giyuu.

He nodded, "Okay, do you want to come with me or stay here?" I shook my head hard, "No, no. Not alone." 

He slowly got up from the futon, helping me stand as well. I followed him out the door and to the kitchen. I sat at the table, my eyes still heavy from being exhausted. Rengoku sat across from me, "I started it, it will be done soon." I hummed in response, resting my head in my hands. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" I closed my eyes. Another thing that only Urokodaki-san and Giyuu knew. Why do I feel like I live a secret life? Maybe this is holding me back from succeeding in Rain Breathing. 

I sighed before speaking, "Um, one night there was a demon lurking around Urokodaki-san's cabin. I went out to look for it and finally found it. But their blood demon art... It wasn't like any other I've seen. He could take the shape of someone you cared about, trying to mess with your head." 

"He turned into Giyuu." I nodded. "You were yelling for him in your sleep." I looked up at him shocked. Had I done that with my previous dreams?

I continued, "Well, when he turned into him, I froze. I knew it wasn't him but I couldn't hurt him. The demon got the better of me and I was a goner until Urokodaki-san showed up. He saved me. I was really hurt, physically, mentally. I started reliving the events in my nightmares. But this dream, it was different." 

"Let me grab the tea," Rengoku gave me my tea quickly and sat back down. I took a sip before explaining, "I was in the back here and Giyuu ran towards me. But it wasn't him, it was the demon. I couldn't attack and it got me again." 

"Does he know about this?" I nodded, "He found out when he came home for a night and I had a nightmare. But from that point on he stayed by my side and they had went away." 

I took another sip of my tea and looked up at Rengoku. He looked like he was thinking, questioning if he should say what he wanted to. 

"Do you think maybe we should get him?" I shook my head, "No, no, no, no, no. I can't. I can't face him." 

"Do you think maybe seeing him again triggered this?" I looked down and shrugged my shoulders. Did it? Did the pain of seeing him, especially with Shinobu-san, bring everything back up? 

"I think he should know." My eyes immediately went back up to Rengoku. 

"Why?! He hasn't cared at all about me for over a year! So why does he have to know?!" I was starting to lose it. There was too much going on. "(Y/N), take a deep breath, you need to calm down." 

"NO!" I yelled at him. I pushed myself out of the seat and ran out back. I went to the middle of the training ground and sat there, I needed to be alone. I needed to work through this. Images of Giyuu lunging at me flashed in my mind. They way his hand turned into the demon's hand. How he went to kill me. 

I grabbed my hair and shook my head, trying to get the thoughts out. I screamed. I screamed until I couldn't anymore. 

Everything was getting better again. I was finally happy again. Why did he have to be a hashira and be at that meeting. Why did he have to do this?!

I laid back on the ground and continued screaming until my voice got sore. I had to let it out, I couldn't lose control. I started crying, letting out all of the tears I had held in for Giyuu. 

I think I cried myself to sleep because I woke up the next morning in my bed. I looked around my room confused. Rengoku must have brought me back here. 

I shut my eyes again, thinking about the night prior. I need to apologize. I pushed myself out of bed, slowly getting ready for the day and making my way downstairs. I found him in the kitchen, his back towards me and cooking. 

"Good morning (Y/N), how are you feeling? I have some tea prepared for you." How the hell did he hear me?

"Thank you," my voice was weak, "I'm sorry -" Rengoku cut me off, "Nope, no apologies. There's more to you than even you know isn't there." He was now facing me and I nodded. 

"We'll figure it out together. For now, let's eat and relax because we have that party tonight and we're going to have fun." I smiled and he did too.

I'm grateful for him and I'm glad I finally found a family. 


Soooo this party though.... Also let me know if you guys would like some more Giyuu POV!


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