Thirty: Nerves

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*(Y/N) POV*

I finally woke up in the morning, this time on my own. Giyuu had woken me up four times last night. He was always gentle and quiet when waking me up, but it still sucked getting broken sleep. 

"Good morning," I looked up at Giyuu from his lap. He gave me a smile, "You're still maintaining your breathing. This sleep has been your longest so far, keep going." I smiled back at him and sat up.

"Hey, why don't you get some sleep? I'll go start some training with Rengoku," I told him. He pouted his lips, "Stay until I fall asleep." I let out a small laugh, "You know you won't let go of me once you're sleeping. We aren't going down this road." 

He let out a sigh and nodded his head. I stood up, grabbed my uniform, and went to change. By the time I came back into his room, he was already sleeping. I smiled and gave him a quick kiss on his forehead. I watched as his mouth turned into a smile and he rolled over to sleep more. 

I ran out of the his estate and began my journey back to Rengoku's. The whole trip I thought about everything that has happened. From finding out about my family, to putting my trust into Giyuu again. My stomach grumbled, interrupting my thoughts. This caused me to run the rest of the way back to the estate. 

I walked in through the doors and smelt Rengoku's cooking. I went to the kitchen and he immediately noticed my presence. 

He turned to me, "Hi (Y/N), how did it go?" I gave him a smile and started to set the table. "It went well, he woke me up four times. But I woke up on my own this morning and have maintained my breathing since!" I told him excitedly. 

The Flame Hashira smiled back at me, "I'm glad! You're doing great kid! I'm assuming he is going to rest a bit before training?" I nodded my head and finished setting the table in time for the food to be finished. 

We ate our breakfast, talking a bit about how training has been going. I was close to mastering my first form and my teacher had faith that I would master the rest rather quickly. But I was doubtful, it seems like the forms come to me the first time only when I need to use them. This was going to be difficult. 

We finished our food and immediately went outside. I started a warm up and went through all of my Water Breathing Forms with Rengoku, while maintaining Total Concentration Constant. We took a break for some lunch and Giyuu arrived while we ate. He ate with us and we discussed the next steps of training. 

"Let's try to get the First Form solid today," Giyuu told me. I gave him a smile and nodded. 


Giyuu and I looked at one another, "Guess we're heading out." Rengoku stood, taking out plates. He turned towards me, "Stay safe out there. I'm not losing my little sister." I gave him a hug and ran to the door to meet Giyuu. 

Giyuu looked back at me from the gate and smiled, "You ready to go?" I nodded my head, "As ready as I can be." We started running towards the village in silence. 

After a while Giyuu turned to me, "(Y/N), I want you to focus on Total Concentration Constant and your blood breathing while we're out there okay?" I nodded my head. 

I was nervous, I didn't want to lose control. I knew Giyuu would be with me, but this would be the first time I would be using the new forms in a real situation. 

It was already dark when we arrived at the village. (A/N this is going to be based on the Stories of Water and Flame Manga)

"Why don't we find somewhere to stay the night? We didn't see anything coming in," Giyuu spoke. I nodded my head and we walked to a small inn. We made sure to hide our swords and Giyuu requested a room.

We walked up to the room and started getting ready for bed. "Hey Giyuu," I began, "Do you think I will be able to master Total Concentration Constant before anything bad happens?" Giyuu looked back at me confused. 

"I don't want anyone I love getting hurt," I spoke again. I sat on the futon next to Giyuu. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his lap. I laid my head back into his chest and closed my eyes. I listened to his heartbeat as he held me. 

"No one will get hurt, I won't let them," he whispered. I tilted my head up, making eye contact with him. I shook my head, "No," I paused for a second, "No, because I don't want you getting hurt either." 

Giyuu placed his hand on my cheek and kissed the top of my head. He looked back at me before responding, "I'll stay alive until the day I know you will be safe forever." I turned and hugged him. 

I don't know where I would have been if my family had not sent me here. I resented them for it at first, but now I am grateful. I am grateful that I have a true family that cares about me. 

I leaned my head up and kissed Giyuu's jaw. He turned his head slightly and caught my lips with his. He pulled my closer, deepening the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled away, leaning my head against his. I looked into his eyes and he gave me a small smile. 

I ran my thumb over his mouth and smiled back at him. He looked at me confused and I let out a giggle, "I love your smile. You don't smile often around others." He smiled more, "Well, I love you so you make me smile." 

I looked at him with wide eyes, my stomach flipping. Love. The word I was so keen on not using. 

I froze unsure of what to say. "I, um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to -" I cut Giyuu's rambling off by kissing him again. This time when I pulled away I finally had the words to speak, "I love you too Giyuu." 

He pulled me even closer, if that was possible, and our next kiss got heated. I wasn't going to get sleep until after this was done... ;) 

Before my body drifted off to sleep I heard Giyuu joke, "You maintained your Total Concentration Breathing through that. Keep it going." My face flushed and I buried my head into his bare chest before finally falling asleep. 


Okay, so first mission with Giyuu in a while starting next chapter officially. Woo! Also, some fluff and ;) time for our MC and Giyuu. 


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