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"Yeah" I mumbled towards Luke, still looking to the mother- who was struggling to even hold eye contact with me.

"I have Liliana as a patient- but her mother is experiencing some nausea- accompanied with vomiting." I spoke, finally looking to him, seeing his eyes locked on her.

"Could you check her out while I run Liliana for an MRI-" "oh that's not necessary." The mother immediately spoke.

"Ma'am, you threw up- and I'm kinda concerned about your-" she cut me off, I could tell by the way she was acting she was trying not to be rude, but she was dead set.

"It's just been a long day- I had eaten right before all of this happened- must've been stress" she exhaled out.

We couldn't force her.

"Okay- well if you insist." I carefully spoke.

"But Doctor Hemmings is going to stay with you while I take Lily to the MRI, he can be your support system, while you fill out paperwork, sound okay?" I compromised.

"Of course" she responded.

Luke followed me out the room, going to the nurses desk to get the paperwork she needed for this.

"So what are you thinking?" He asked me cautiously.

"I'm not sure- there's definitely something weird going on." I spoke to him.

"Just watch her closely- she seems a little spacey in the head, like repeating the same things, struggling to answer questions, I'm not positive, but it's weird." I spoke slowly.

"Okay- I'll see what answers I can get" he spoke to me.

And with that, I grabbed a wheelchair and carefully got Liliana's small body into it before leaving Luke with her mother.


I stared to the paperwork that I couldn't read due to my blurry vision and heartbeat sounding in my head.

I couldn't figure out an excuse to tell them about how I was hurt- so I just simply wasn't going to say anything.

As long as Lily is okay.


I looked to her, seeing her tapping the end of her pen against the paper, eyes focused to it.

She was absolutely gorgeous.

Half of her hair covered half of her face, she had dried mascara down her cheeks, but she still looking like she could be a fucking model.

Suddenly she made eye contact with me, clearing her throat.

"So I have to fill these all out, right now?" She asked me slowly.

"Yes- it's billing and insurance information along with Liliana's family history and such" I explained slowly to her, seeing her continue to tap her pen and bounce her knee in sync.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her slowly.

"Yeah- I mean, it's not a big deal" she spoke slowly.

"I just- when Lily fell, I tried to catch her and ended up hitting my head- and I just- I can't really see straight" she admitted to me slowly.

That's all it took for me to make her get in the bed where I began an examination.

As soon as I checked her eyes I knew we had a problem and got her pushed to the top of the MRI list, even cutting her daughter- which we certainly didn't tell her.

The MRI confirmed a high grade concussion, which thankfully didn't turn into a brain bleed, because it was certainly close.

"So, Tate" I spoke calmly to her, now having access to all of her past charts from being in just our hospital- which was for strictly her birth of Liliana.

"You have a pretty bad concussion, I'm going to get you on an IV and get some medicine into your system. We are going to hold you and Liliana overnight because you are in no shape to drive home. You also won't be able to sleep for extended periods of time, we will wake you up probably every few hours to make sure everything with your head is okay, okay?" I spoke slowly to her.

"So I can't go home tonight?" She seemed more than disappointed.

"No- and I am going to highly recommend that you have someone come get you in the morning." I spoke to her, seeing her glance away from me as I grabbed my IV kit, gently setting everything up beside her.

She didn't respond to anything I said

"But explain to me again- how did all of this happen?" I asked her slowly.

she told me an extended story of herself leaving lily sitting on the counter, only planning to step away from a few seconds, but by the time she had turned back around- she saw lily make a jump for it.

She insisted that she tried to catch Lily, falling and hitting her head in the process

But the fist sized bruise on her face told me a completely different story.

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