thirty one

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I dont know exactly what triggered it- but i started crying at his words.

"Oh my god- im so sorry, im so sorry Tate- i just-" "no" i cut him off, managing to laugh through my cry.

"I just- i love you too, and that is so terrifying to me."

He kissed me firmly, before looking to me with a smile.

"We love each other."

Yes, we do.

One week later.

Lily, Tate and i were all house shopping.

Not that we wanted to move out and leave the guys, but Lily didnt have her own bedroom and she was getting to the point to where she wanted to strictly sleep with Michael, not that, that was a problem for him, Tate was just constantly aorried about whether it annoyed him or not.

So we were shopping in our current neighborhood, more than aware of the amount of slumber parties Lily was going to be having.

"Id get my own bedroom!" Lily yelled as we stood in a house that i think we had all fallen head over heels for- everything being just perfect.

"Yes babygirl, you would." Tate smiled, looking to me.

I pulled her to me.

"What are you thinking?" I asked as our realtor gave us some space to discuss.

"I love it."

"Well- lets do this."

We informed our realtor that this was the one we wanted, we made an offer on it and he told us that he would be contacting us with the decision from the current owner shortly.

So now we just had to impatiently wait.

So i took the girls out to brunch, ordering almond milk lattes for Tate and I- getting Lily a chocolate milk due to her request.

"Ive never had almond milk in my lattes before" tate did a small dance with her shoulders as the waitress brought everything.

We ordered food, myself taking pictues of Tate giving Lily kisses without her noticing, immediately making my favorite picture my home screen.

As the food came, i noticed Tate coughing lightly before clearing her throat.

"You okay baby?" I asked, seeing her immediately nod.

"Mustve just swallowed wrong." She dismissed it.

She cut Lily's egg for her, watching her eat, still clearing her throat.

I turned my full attention to her as she drank water, still clearing her throat.

"Baby, what are you feeling?" I asked her.

"Just like- scratchy." She spoke calmly.

Dont let your doctor take over, she jusr swallowed wrong.

But i fully let my doctor take over when she went to take another sip of water- suddenly coughing it up, gasping for air in the process

"I- i cant swallow"

Allergic reaction

I threw money on the table, almost carrying and running with both her and Lily in my arms.

By the time we were in the car Lily was screaming, Tate thankfully not fulky panicking, but i could tell she was getting to where she was struggling to breathe.

I called Calum, telling him the situation and that we were coming in hot.

I pulled into the ambulance bay- immediately seeing the guys waiting.

Calum had her out the car and on a gurney before i could even get out

"Grab Lily" i panicked to michael, giving him my keys as Ash, Cal and I ran into an ER room.

We got a mask on her, Calum grabbing an epi pen.

"Tate- this is going to hurt." He warned her seconds before he injected it into her thigh, instantly hearing a whine come from her.

But along with that whine came an even gasp for air- us all immediately being relieved as Calum quickly got an IV in, giving her more medicines before hooking her to fluids.

He listened to her lungs before nodding, exhaling as he did

"Shes stable." He spoke, letting me take the oxygen mask off of her.

"What the fuck?" She immediately spoke, a tear falling down her face.

"You had an allergic reaction to something- we had to give you an epi pen and now youre getting more medicines through your IV." Ash explained slowly.

"That fucking almond milk." I cursed, putting my head on her shoulder- knowing that the one thing i ordered her had to have been what caused this.

I was shocked when i actually heard a small laugh come from her

"It was actually really good though."

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