twenty two

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i sent Calum a quick text, giving him almost the full story before asking if Lily was okay.

I knew she was okay, but i was going to double check for her anyway.

Tate gripped my shirt tightly, blinking towards the doors.

Her heart rate and blood pressure was high, but i knew that was only because of the situation we were in.

Once we got to the hospital, the doors open and i immediately announced that i was on call and that she was my patient.

All other doctors stepped aside.

I got her to a room where i hooked her up to our monitors, ensuring she was absolutely okay.

I checked her eyes and reactions to light, everything was okay.

"I think- i think i just held my breath." She told me slowly, making me sit in bed with her.

"Youve done that before?" I asked her.

"I used to do it when the abuse first started- the doctors said it was chronic anxiety- i guess just being back there in a similar situation, i did it again." She told me slowly.

I kissed her head gently.

"We're gonna leave you on fluids for a little while and let your medicines kick in fully, your heart rate is still a little too high for me." I told her, seeing her nod back to me.

Before i could say anything else, Michael entered, a grim look on his face.

"She okay?" He whispered to me.

"Wheres Lily?" Tates voice panicked.

"With Calum and Ashton." He immediately told her.

She exhaled, grabbing my hand in the process.

"I came in to work on Dylan." Michael spoke- and i knew this wasnt good.

"And im only talking to you about this, because you are his primary emergency contact and you are also on his medical and life insurance, meaning you are responsible for determining the care we give him." Michael spoke.

"Oh no" i heard her speak.

"Dylan has a lot more brain damage than originally assessed on scene- he continued to code if hes not on a ventilator, we've done several scans of his brain, noticing no sign-" "hes brain dead." She finished for him.

"We believe that she hit him in the temple, and thats a hard place to recover from, but theres also other places of concern- we believe he was hit
multiple times, even after being unconscious." Michael told her slowly.

"So your choices are-" "i cant decide whats going to happen to him" i heard her voice crack.

"I mean- Michael, i fucking hate him. He almost killed me." I could hear the panic in her voice, making me put an arm around her.

"Tate." Michael exhaled, looking to me before back to her.

"From a doctors perspective, the only ethical thing to do- to no longer prolong his suffering is to agree to end all life support, therefore turning off the machine that is breathing for him." He told her.

I watched a tear fall down her face.


Why was i thinking this?
Was i a horrible person?

But i wanted him to suffer.
I wanted him to hurt the way he made me hurt.

But at the same time- i wanted to make a preacher go in there and bless him so that maybe- just maybe, he'd make it into Heaven.

"Luke" i cried out, letting my head hit his shoulder.

Luke kissed my head and face in multiple places.

"Let him go." I exhaled.

"Ill bring the paperwork in for you to sign." Michael spoke so quietly before leaving.

Luke held me tightly as i cried, feeling a sudden wave of sleepiness.

"I just dont understand how i hate him so much but yet i still care about where hes going when he dies-" "because youre a good person, my baby." Luke spoke to me, his hand running through my hair.

"And if it makes you feel any better- pastors volunteer and walk the halls consistently, im sure one of them have already prayed over him." He told me, making me nod into his shoulder.

Soon Michael brought back papers, explaining each sheet to me, where i signed.


"Shes on a relaxer." Luke mumbled to me as he saw me becoming slightly concerned over why her signature was getting sloppier and why her body was leaning more and more towards him.

"That explains it." I smiled towards her.

She signed for him to be a donor, without questioning anything.

She handled everything quite well.

"If you want to go say goodbye-" "i dont" she cleared her throat.

"Him and i said our official goodbyes long ago," she touched her neck gently, looking to Luke.

"Im sleepy." She told him as i collected all the paperwork, leaving the room.

"Lets get you home, princess."

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