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To say the least, I did go to the living room, but I didn't do a lot of sleeping.

Just as I wiped my tears, watching the sunrise through the window in our living room, I got a text.


I replied with y, groaning into my hands, knowing I didn't want to go, but knowing that I might as well.

I made coffee, knowing I wasn't going to be able to sleep anyway, watching the news for a little while before starting some homework that I needed to work on.

Soon enough, nine am rolled around so I stopped my homework, quickly dressing myself, covering my bruises and brushing my hair out before dressing Lily's sleeping body, trying to gently wake her up.

I ended up carrying her sleeping body to the car, where she slept almost the entire drive to the hospital.

"Lily, you gotta wake up pretty girl" I hummed as I unbuckled her, watching her rub her eyes.

"Carry me" she whined to me, making grabby hands at me.

I caved, carrying her in where I checked her in for her appointment before sitting with her.

Her sleepy head laid on my shoulder, but I could tell she was awake from the way that she was breathing.

"Liliana" a nurse spoke, making me smile before standing with her.

"Someone's sleepy today" the nurse laughed as I walked past her.

"Very" I agreed quietly.

We went into an exam room where the nurse took most of her vitals, trying to put Lily in a better mood, but it was not working.

"Okay- Doctor Irwin will be in shortly" she smiled to me before leaving.

"Why are you in such a bad mood?" I asked lily, playing with the ends of her hair gently as she stared off.

"Sleepy" she whined out, looking to me grumpily.

"Me too kiddo" I exhaled.

Within a few minutes, the familiar Doctor Irwin walked in, immediately greeting us with his famous smile.

"I hear someone's not happy to see me" he immediately spoke, looking to Lily- who hid her face in my arm.

I laughed lightly, brushing my fingers through her hair.

"So mom, we're just here for a checkup?" he asked.

"Yes- you recommended once a month because of her murmur" I spoke.

She developed a heart murmur when she turned two, she had open heart surgery shortly after therefore now, we just closely watch it.

He nodded slowly, pulling up her chart.

"Ah- I see we met Doctor Clifford" he grinned, turning towards us, but that caught Lily's attention.

"Mike" she almost whispered, making Irwin smile.

"Did you like him?" He asked, standing and moving to her.

"He gave me suckers" she nodded, watching his every move as he grabbed his stethoscope.

"Well- looks like I have some bribing to do" he laughed lightly, making me laugh in agreement.

After a short checkup, he announced that everything looked great as he sat in his chair, turning to me.

"Great" I responded, seeing him smile.

"What?" I asked slowly.

"Nothing- I just, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say this without it being deemed inappropriate." He hummed slowly.

"Just say it" I mumbled, curiosity taking over.

He contemplated silently for a minutes before nodding to himself

"Let's just say, I haven't stopped hearing about you from Luke since you both came in here" he laughed out slowly.

"Who the fuck is Luke?"

And just as those words came out of my mouth, the doctor that treated me when I had my concussion entered, a small knock sounding directly before.

"Speak of the devil." Irwin cleared his throat.

"Hey- just wanted to check and see how your head is" he spoke to me.

"Oh yeah- yeah, everything's fine" I spoke to him, seeing his blue eyes looking to the side of my face, making me slowly push my hair over where I knew the bruises remained.


She looked tired.

I could tell make up was covering a dark patch on her face, but the longer I looked- trying to figure out what it was, I noticed she was shifting her body in the opposite direction to hide it from me.

"So, Um- this time next month?" She looked towards Ashton, who was looking between the two of us.

"Yes- yes, October 24th works for me" he hummed out, writing the date on a card for her.

But as she turned to lift Lily, I saw a rather large bruise on her neck.

"Tate" I spoke slowly, seeing her eyebrows raise to me

"Your neck" I spoke, moving to push her hair out the way, but she immediately flinched away from my touch, instantly closing her eyes as she did.

"Shit- sorry- I just-" I cut her off.

"No, I'm sorry- I didn't mean to overstep-" "you didn't overstep, just caught me off guard" she faked a laugh, trying to dismiss it.

"I just bruise easily, so it just-" "you might need to get some bloodwork done, that could be a sign of-" "I've gotten it done in the past, just thin skin." She smiled.

There was no such thing as bruising easily from thin skin.

"Tate" Ashton stepped in as we watched her grab her purse, but she still looked to him.

"Is everything okay?" He asked her calmly.

And before she could say a single word, Lily spoke

"We have to go, or daddy will get mad"

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