Showbiz Isn't that Easy

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Nick Hayden Marsh is a famous actor, he became more famous when he got paired up with Anastasia Desmond Brown, she's also a big star in Hollywood.

Andrew Floyd Deluca, Nick's mortal enemy, the whole showbiz, Hollywood knows about their history from the past,but not every single detail of it.

Meredith Ivy Grey is a trainee model and soon to be a global ambassador for new upcoming products in the future,and finally become a part of Hollywood industry. She and Nick has been keeping their relationship for over 3 years now.


"In order to keep you two together,or your relationship together you have to keep it in private" Jess said, Nick's manager. She's been with Nick ever since he decided to enter the Hollywood industry.

"What?" Meredith asked as if she didn't hear what she said "Is that really necessary?" she asked again chuckling slightly as if Jess was joking.

"Of course it is" Jess answered, "In todays industry, people like to gossip and make up stories to make themselves feel better"

"What for? I mean he's just starting his career" Meredith reasoned. "And why are you talking to me about this first, shouldn't Nick be here?"

"It's either you keep it on private or just break up with him" Jess then said, in a serious tone as if she's threatening her "Look, I'm not doing this just for him, I'm doing this for the both of you" she added in a calm tone. "And no, I can explain everything with Nick later after he got back from his meeting with the director"

"For both of us? what's the point of keeping it private anyway it's not like it's a crime or something" Meredith spat back

"Because he will be working with Anastasia Brown very soon and Nick doesn't need anymore gossip. He already has a lot on his plate with all that audition" Jess explained carefully.

"So? I won't be mad if people ship them together, as long as they work professionally" Meredith answered.

"It's going to be a big controversy if people find out Nick is dating a non- celebrity" Jess then said, annoyed slightly. "He doesn't need any distraction"

"Distraction?"Meredith scoffs, offended "I'm his girlfriend and people probably have seen our photos all over his social media account"

"Yeah,well same difference" Jess spat back. "You just have to keep it until their work is done, until the movie was aired, that's all I'm asking" she added more softly. "And about that photos, I asked him to take it down."

"Does Nick know about this?" Meredith then asked, crossing her arm looking at her, Jess looked away and avoided her gaze "You haven't talked to him, have you?" she then ask, more like a statement.

"Like I said... I will talk to Nick about this as soon as ge gets back" Jess snapped, "Is it really that hard for you to support him? your "boyfriend"? she mockingly said with an air quote.

"You're telling me about this and you haven't even talked to him about it. Just because you're his manager doesn't mean you can make decisions for him about everything!" Meredith then snapped.

"Hey, what's going on?" they heard Nick from behind walking inside the room.

End of flashbacks

Meredith got Jess's point about keeping their relationship in private, she will soon become a part of industry ad well so they won't have to keep their relationship in private, and they can finally have a date in public without paparazzi questioning them.

She's been in training for modeling when Nick started his career as an 'extra character', he played small parts,so people barely noticed him back then.

Then he became one of the 'suppoting characters' on one of the movies he had the past years, and people started to noticed him.

Then this upcoming project of him is with Anastasia Desmond Brown, she's one of the highest paid actress in sbow showbiz, a super star, she has her own name on the 'walk of fame'. She's earned tons of awards every year, which wasn't actually surprising, considering the fact that she's a great actress.

On the other hand, Andrew Floyd Deluca is also a big star. Even bigger than Anastasia.He's had several movies, he played as a villain most of the time while Nick was more into romance. Andrew also covered in hundreds of magazines over the years and won awards.

"Hey, I am going to sign a contract you wanna come?" Nick asked,entering their room, seeing Meredith was curled up under the sheets while holding her phone " Are you still mad at me?" he asked, after not receiving a response from her

"I'm not mad, I'm furious" Meredith said coldly, sitting up to look at him as he sat on the bed to face her "I just don't really get why do we need to keep it in secret I mean it's not like people are not going to find out anyway" she added

"We'll announce it soon...after the project, I promise" he smiled at her  "And by that time you'll be my favourite model and global ambassador" he added with a sigh pulling her on his lap "I'm happy for you" he added, pressing kiss on her cheeks.

"Thank you,I love you" she smiled at him, leaning in to give him a soft kiss

"I love you too" he smiled back while resting his forehead against hers, looking at each other's eyes "So, you're coming?" he asked again

"No, I think I'll stay here" Meredith answered, sitting back on the bed

"You sure?" Nick asked again

"I'm sure" she nodded

"Okay, I'll see you when I get home and I'll bring you your favorite pasta" Nick smiled

"You're the best, I love you" she smiled

"I know" he smiled, shrugging his shoulders whilst walking towards the door

"Cocky!" she said, playfully rolling her eyes at him.

To be continued...

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