Why Now

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It's Sunday and Nick was supposed to be at Meredith's place early in the morning, but he seems to be running late.

Meredith was talking a bath after she worked out. She was drying herself when she heard the door opened and closed, she's assuming it's Nick well who else would it be.

"Hello?" she heard Nick's voice from the living room.

She didn't response and just walked in her bedroom walking to her closet to pick a clothes she'll wear for the day, she heard Nick walking towards her bedroom so she took off her robe, letting it drop off the floor, she put her attention back at her closet as Nick opened the door seeing her naked body across the room,her back facing him.

"Hello to you too" he grinned at her, walking slowly closer to her while taking off his coat, as Meredith put on a shorts and a tank top still not looking at him,as if he wasn't there at all which made her confused.

"Hey..." he said below whisper walking towards her, he was about to hug her from behind when she closed her closet, picked up her robe, walked passed him and went back inside the bathroom.

"You okay?" he asked softly watching her leaning against the doorframe.

"I'm fine" she answered coldly

"Meredith..." Nick trailed off, he seemed to be noticing that something is going on "What's going on?" he then asked again

"You're late, you're supposed to be here at 7, it's almost 4 pm Nick" Meredith answered, walking back to her room then to the living room.

*I know, I'm sorry I just - had something important I needed to do" Nick answer sitting on the stool in the kitchen counter while Meredith was looking something in the fridge

"Can't that wait?" Meredith asked again"I mean, Sunday is the only day we can spent time together and you're still prioritizing your work" she added, turning around to look at him

"What do you mean?" Nick asked,as if he had no idea what's his talking about

"I mean I'm not surprised you're busy at work because you know the trailer is releasing in a week or I don't know... You seem to be pretty and had important things to do with Anastasia so yeah I'm not surprised you're prioritizing your work rather than spending a one whole day with your girlfriend" Meredith trailed off, looking at him trying to fight the urge to cry, remember the night Anastasia answer Nick's phone.

Questions was still messing with her, it's been bothering her since the moment she hang up the phone, she can't mention it to him through the phone because people might get suspicious with him 'having a relationship '. So she waited until Sunday when he'd be at her condo so they can talk about it properly.

"What does Anastasia have to do with this?" Nick shot back

"I called you the other night..." she began looking down at the kitchen counter "And she answered it" she added shortly looking back up at him " Were you with her?"

"Wh- No!" Nick spat "Why would you think that!"

"Then why did she had your phone?" Meredith asked again, coldly, she really had no energy to fight him today well knowing that it's the only day they can spend time together

"I left it somewhere that day and I couldn't find it so maybe she picked it up and brought it back to me the next day" Nick tried to explain,

"What's my contacts number in your phone?" she asked

"What?" he asked back, confused

"She seems to not recognize who I was when I talked to her so what's my contacts number in your phone" she repeated,in more serious tone

"Your name" Nick answered shortly, but she can clearly see how nervous he was

"Okay then..." she just nodded, not wanting to fight him anymore, she walked towards the living room, making herself comfortable, a blanket that was covering her legs, pillow on her lap and her laptop on top of it.

"Thought we're spending our time today, what are you doing?" he sighs sitting on the couch across her

"Checking emails" Meredith answered, focused on her screen

"Just check it later" he said below whisper walking up to her, sitting next to her, kissing her bare shoulders

"Nick..." Meredith shrugs, kinda annoyed "I have to send emails, it's urgent" she added, typing something in her laptop.

"Can't it wait?" he asked

"Now, you're the one who's asking me that" Meredith scoffs, looking at him in disbelief "No,it can't it's for the launching" she added, he just nodded

"Well, the trailer is releasing next week and I already made a reservation for our tickets" he said with an obvious excitement in his voice

"Wait.... 'our'.. did you say 'our'?" Meredith asked looking at him

"Yes" Nick nodded

"Who said I'm watching" she scoff looking back at her screen "I can't watch you making out with other woman, well knowing that you're enjoying it" she added

"You're not going to watch it?" Nick asked, as if he didn't heard her

"Well not right away..." Meredith answered "I want to prepare myself for what I would see" she muttered

"Don't you trust me?" he then asked, sounding offended

"I never said that" Meredith sigh "Just- let me work, please." she added softly looking at him "This next potential opportunity is very big... can you please support me with this one. I'm asking you to support me for this one... that's all I want" she added, more sincerely looking at him in the eye

"You think I don't support you?" he asked, trying to sound offended

"That's not what I'm saying,Nick" Meredith breath out looking away, shaking her head slightly

"That's what you're implying!" he shot back

"When was the last time you asked me how my work was..." she spat back, looking back at him "When was the last time you called me without me having to call you first and end it just to have you call me back" she added.

"What?" he asked with a chuckle"What are you talking about?"

"Everyday I called Jess because you weren't answering your phone most of the time, I would asked her how was your shoot and how were you doing and she would say you're fine, you're having fun,that you're doing great..." Meredith said softly"... most of the time with Anastasia, she said that you seem to have gotten closer to her than your other co- starts"

"And every time I would ask Yara and ask her if you called and ask how am I doing..." Meredith trailed off after some moments "I would expect that you did... because I thought that even though you're very busy you would make time to at least a minute to text or call me" she added

"So what are you saying?" he then asked, looking down at his lap

"I'm saying that... you've changed, Nick" Meredith said softly, making him look up at her, few tears leaving her eyes "I am very happy that you're doing great, that people are starting to really recognize you and y-" before she even finished her sentence Nick cut her

"So you're saying I'm taking my fame for granted" he scoffed

"Ever since you took that project you barely have time for me, for the first week yes you did but the following ones?." she spat back.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked softly, not really sure how to answer her, well knowing that what she said was all true.

He's barely talked to her,he only calls her voluntarily when he has something to tell her, something exciting. But calling her in general? he barely do that anymore. He can't even look her straight in the eye.

It's always him, it's always been about him.
She's supported him all the way,she gave up such an amazing opportunity for him, because he doesn't want other man touching his woman's body when he's doing the same thing, which is way worse.

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