Meeting Part 1

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Author's POV

Guys I will give you an introduction okay? Please be reminded that some characters will be based on my imagination and some are from the original book itself please bear with me..

> Khun Korn - Father/Eldest Brother
> Khun Tankhun - First Son/Eldest brother
> Khun Kinn - Second Son
> Khun Kim - Third Son

> Chan - Senior/Head of all BG's
> Pete - Head BG of Khun Tankhun/Babysitter
> Arm - BG of Khun Tankhun/Head of Intel department
> Pol - BG of Khun Tankhun/Responsible for Entertainment 🤭🤭
> Porche - Current head BG of Khun Kinn
> Big - Prev. Head BG of Khun Kinn
> Ken - BG of Khun Kinn

> Khun Kan - Father/Younger Brother
> Khun Vegas - First Son/Eldest Brother
> Khun Macau - Second Son
> Khun Venice - Third Son
> Khun Pim - Step mother

> Chu - Head bodyguard of Khun Kan
> Nop - Head Bodyguard of Khun Vegas
> Lim - Head Bodyguard of Khun Macau

I did not name all of the characters... because later on I will these characters might get some development themselves and plus I'm lazy to think...😅😅 However those names mentioned above will play a significant role within the storyline and etc..hope you guys like this!

----------------------THE STORY STARTS NOW--------------------

3rd Person's POV

You can hear gun shots from a certain room within the mansion of the Minor family which is normal for everyone living within its premises.

"Woohhh!! It's so tiring! Why is training so hard these days?" One bodyguard in probation period said while massaging his arms and shoulders.

"Who's complaining?!!" Said the angry instructor.

"NO ONE SIR!!!" replied the probees.

The instructor nodded and finally dismissed the training session. He slammed the door behind him as he was leaving the training room. Everybody flinched and got silent after that.

"It's because of bastard!" Complained the other probee.

They argued about what happened earlier and finally dispersed to their own rooms to freshen up and changed into their uniform.

After that all of the probees were called by the head of the minor house for final assessment which was relayed by Chu the Head bodyguard.

Some of them got the job but some did not.

After some time those who did not pass was sent HOME.......or NOT

(A/N : we will find out guys let's cut it from here.)

Khun Kan's POV

This morning I was woken up by a bad dream....a very bad one which made my mood worse...worse than yesterday...I got mad at my youngest son yesterday because he caused a ruckus at one of the bars we're assigned by my older brother to watch over and manage...and some of the customers were injured by what happened so I had to tend to them and ask for forgiveness which I usually do to ease the anger of the customer or client...

But being usually polite and kind to others is not always the answer...yes they'd accept your apology right now but who knows? They might stab you in the what HE did to me..

After catering the needs of the customers I grabbed my youngest son by the wrist while dragging him to the VIP room of the bar.

"Macau!!! What do you think you're doing?!!!" I shouted as I let go and pushed him with force making him fall hard on the floor and harshly slammed the door behind me separating us from our bodyguards and the people outside.

" you're concerned about me right now?!..wait why do I always get it wrong?! ...hahahah.. you're not concerned about me ..." He laughed like a lunatic which is not new for me as he was always like this everytime that I prioritize others before him.

"Your brother will be disappointed with your behavior Macau...what are you doing to yourself?" I told him while looking straight into his eyes.

"So you're going to punish him again?!!" He said while starting to tear up.

" you know what happens when you're being a bad boy?" I asked him while letting out a sinister laugh.

"I just confirmed it right now...but Pa you can't do this!! Big brother has nothing to do with everything that I've done! Why punish him?! It should be ME!!" He asked and told me bravely even though he was intimidated by my presence.

" and your older brother..we had a DISCUSSION before and this was the CONCLUSION.." I told him plainly while emphasizing some words.

He looked scared and on the verge of crying. But still he stood there and held his head high staring at me intently.

Hmm..this young one seems to be more courageous than his older brother..might as well make use of this PUNISHMENT thing as a leverage for him to follow my orders...


Guys I know you're curious as to why I made a POV for Khun Kan...but please bear with me.. you'll know why eventually..and you're confused because I started the story at the Minor Family's mansion instead of the Major family...heheh..this just to have a change of setting..

Anyway guys I must strongly warn you that this story might not have any connections to the original novel or will have some connections to let's anticipate every possibility 🤭

Hope you guys like this chap and will soon update for the next part..I still need to do the laundry 😭😭

Thanks for reading!!!🥰🥰

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