What we call home

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That night before deciding on going to Pete's hometown..
Tankhun's POV

I was having a private stroll around the mansion...

Just casually looking at here and there...

Walking... Skipping...turning around...humming...


I get to do this whenever my personal trusty bodyguards are dead asleep...

How did I got here?

Well I just pretended to be asleep and when the coast is clear... I did my secret scheme...hahahaha

As I was walking I almost get to walk past my younger cousin's bedroom..but I stopped half way because I suddenly hear Pete's voice.... he's the only bodyguard I cherish the most he's like a brother to me...why's he in there? a night visit?


I can also hear Vegas speaking..and crying?

Why is he crying? I haven't been able to accompany him like old times when we were still young... it's because uncle might discover the secret tunnel... that's why Vegas and I agreed to stop going there and if possible ignore and pretend to hate each other...

He cannot get close to us...he must not be... because his father which is my uncle and my father which is his uncle...are making us all compete...well I'm not included in the game anymore because I decided to play the crazy person card....

This way I get to be free on what I want to do..and I won't be pressured with those big responsibilities... it's all suffocating and exhausting...but Vegas cannot afford to do that...he's got Macau...as for me I've already taken care of both Kinn and Kim until they grew up and had a mind of their own...it was tedious but it finally paid off when my father mostly gave Kinn the responsibilities...he also gave some to Kim especially information gathering..that kid's talent is scary...

I can hear Pete shouting at Vegas... asking him why he did that..the question is..what is 'THAT'?? What is he referring to? I can't hear them properly and as I listen further... I felt somewhat cringey all of a sudden..well I've heard Pete saying sweet words from time to time... however Vegas...this cousin of mine..even though in reality we're very close but he's never said anything like this in the past...

But what I heard made me realize...

My cousin is very guilty on what he did  to Pete that he's even crying..he's never cried like that not once after his mother's death...

After that I continue walking....

I've decided I'll help Vegas... I hope that he'll be able to overcome this...letting it all out is the only solution for him to feel relief...

I might become the bad person but I'll do it...




Present time at Chumpol..




We're currently here at Pete's hometown..

I couldn't control myself...I got mad at Pete....I was caught off guard earlier because his grandparents seems to know Vegas.. whilst I just met them for the first time..I got really jealous...

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