Meeting Part 2

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Macau's POV

School just ended and I am on my way to that prison house of mine.. that's right I won't call it home.. because it doesn't feel like one and the person whose supposed to make me feel like that place is home is nowhere to be found..

"This is making me insane!!!" I said to myself.

It's been three years since I haven't seen my big brother, I have no one to talk to and share my problems.

"Where are you Hia?" I asked even though there's no one around but me.

My big brother had not come back yet from that stupid mission my Uncle Korn gave him. They have their own set of talented bodyguards so why my Hia?

Sometimes I have this feeling that my Hia is in a really big trouble..where he himself cannot break free..where no one even dared to save him from..right who cares about the Minor Family's eldest son right? He's a demon in the flesh so why bother in saving such a person right?

But for me Hia is the kindest, most loving and caring big brother.. he's more like my father than my actual one..but right now he's not here! And its all because of that bastard of a father! He even presented to have my Hia to be appointed on that mission! He's your successor atleast think of that! Or will he resort to having me as the replacement? NO! ABSOLUTELY NO WAY!

Anyways I was on my way to that house ..when I walk past by one of the bar we're assigned to take care of..

And I was thinking 🤔🤔 "What if I ruin it a little? Will that bastard come here?" I said to myself while walking towards the bar. I always have this theory that my father gives my brother the punishment that is supposed to be mine..because I had done a lot of things in the past that made him angry and I always got out of it without a scratch while my brother the next day will either be sick or have bandages on some parts of his body.

As I entered the bar the bouncers paid respect to me "Good evening Khun Macau, what brings you here?", said the manager while approaching me.

"I'm here to have a drink.. I've been stressed because of my school projects and assignments" i said while acting that I'm feeling tired..which made the manager raise his eyebrows for a moment then replied..

"Khun Macau, you know that your father forbids you to come here" the man said to me.

"I know but what else can I do? He won't let me drink there!" I argued and while he was contemplating about what I said there were some customers that started a fight near the entrance where we were standing.

The bouncers and the manager tried to break off the fight as it was already bothering some of the customers. I took this as a chance to sneak in and finally I succeeded.

I went to the counter to get myself a drink. And I noticed that this bartender is new. Great! I think it's my lucky day ...hahha..this one will easily give me a drink without questions.. I'm not a minor anymore so what else can he say right?

"Please give me the hardest drink you have there" i said to the newbie. He looked at me for a while and then nodded. Eventually he gave me the drink.

The drink was so strong that is almost choked me. Sh*t! Is this poison? I've hardly ever drank hard liquors cause my Hia said that it's not good for me and I always listen but now that he's not here no one will nag me 😔.

After a few sips someone tapped my shoulders and it was the manager who was accompanied by one of his bouncers..seems like the previous predicament they had was already resolved.

"Khun Macau..I already told you that you are not allowed to drink here.. your father will be angry at me and I might lose my job here" the man said calmly. But I shook my head to disagree.

"I can drink where I want, what I want, whenever I want!! You can't dictate me what to do!" I shouted ..and I know clearly that the effects of the drink is already kicking in. I feel so angry right now that I wanna punch whoever gets in my way.

"Put the glass down Khun Macau..and please don't make a scene here..your father might hear this and come here himself" the man said with a worried expression. Probably worried about himself getting fired if this issue gets to my father. But too late Mr. Manager.. I won't back down right now..

"Who are you to tell me what to do?!! Don't touch me!" I said while holding the glass of a strong alcoholic drink which I eventually raised so that the manager won't be able to snatch it from me..and accidentally it had spilled on a costumers shirt which by the way is REALLY DRUNK and right now REALLY ANGRY. Aww f*ck this!

The man got mad at me and raised his fist attempting to punch me in the face. He succeeded at the first attempt which made me move backwards..but then the second attempt was unsuccessful because I blocked it and punched him in return.. I don't know if the manager or the bouncer tried to break our fight off or what happened next..all I know is that the bastard finally came.

He tended to everyone making sure that the customers are fine and apologized to some of them.. mostly to the VIP's..what about me?!! Why didn't he tend to me first I was injured too!! While cursing him insde my head I felt his hand on my wrist gripping it tightly while dragging me on a room.

"Macau!!! What do you think you're doing?!!!" He shouted at me as he let go of my hand shoving me with force making me fall on the hard floor. I winced as I used my arm for support and I realized that I have a wound there.

" you're concerned about me right now?!..wait why do I always get it wrong?! .hahahah.. you're not concerned about me." I laughed like a madman because of the mixed feelings that I have right now.

"Your brother will be disappointed with your behavior Macau...what are you doing to yourself?" He told me while giving me a cold stare. Why include Hia in this conversation?!! You never once cared about our feelings and now you're using this talk to me? For what? To manipulate me? Or to make me regret what I did?

"So you're going to punish him again?!!" I said to him while starting to tear up. I hate him!!

" you know what happens when you're being a bad boy?" He asked me while letting out that ridiculous laugh of taunting me or mocking me or something... I don't know!

"I just confirmed it right now...but Pa you can't do this!! Big brother has nothing to do with everything that I've done! Why punish him?! It should be ME!!" I asked and told him with all my might even though his presence still intimidates me and I know I'm defenseless right now because Hia is not here. But whatever I should say this right now.

He eventually told me that they both had an agreement about this PUNISHMENT thing he mentioned.. I don't know why but something tells me that I am the leverage so that my brother would always follow father's orders. I'm so stupid!!!😔😔

A/N guys ..haaaaaa...these chapters might be longer than expected because I want evey character that I highlight to express themselves more.

The next chapter might be the last part of this MEETING..I depends...

Thanks for reading!🥰🥰

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