The Hideaway: Part 1

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Dear Six,

Things are... kinda gloomy right now. 

Gloomy is kinda an understatement. To be completely honest, I don't know what I'm even doing.

I'm scared. I feel so scared and alone right now. I know I always tried acting bravely in front of you... but I suppose it's easier to be brave when there's someone to be brave for. 

Right now, I'm kinda locked up in what looks like a tiny little cage, placed in someone's... supply closet? I don't know. I was knocked out by something, then taken here. I haven't seen the guy who captured me in a while, but he looks like some sort of creepy Janitor. You'd probably hate him. His arms are too long, and they stretch. Kind of like the Teacher's neck. I wonder if they're related. Wouldn't that be neat?

I don't really know what to do... I mean, I can't even pick locks. I've always just found the key! But I can't really find a key in a tiny cage, you know? I don't know how I'm going to get out of this.

But I will. I always do, right?

I sighed and put the piece of paper down, folding it neatly and stuffing it into my back pocket. How could I have been so reckless? I was usually so careful! But now... I felt like such a screw-up. 

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, patting my mask, which was still attached to my belt. 

I sighed when it didn't reply, then took out the lighter I found, flicking it on. The flame was pretty strong. I liked the warm feeling it gave me.

"WAIT! LET ME GO!" You cried, as the door to the closet swung open. I squeaked and immediately turned the lighter off, looking grabbing the bars of my small cell to see what was going on. About a moment later, I saw the Janitor back again, holding a poor child in his arms. A moment later, he threw you into the cage next to mine, locking it tightly.

I was silent while you panicked, grabbing the bars and desperately trying to break your cage open. The Janitor smiled at you, twirled his keys around his fingers, then left. 

You continued struggling for another moment, then eventually sat down, hugging your knees in defeat.

You looked to be about my age, maybe a little older. You wore a green shirt and slightly ripped jeans which were all wet. Your hair was wet as well. You had a green baseball cap with an "L" messily written on it in black marker, and your eyes were bright blue. It reminded me of the color of the summer sky, not that I had ever seen it.

I waited in awkward silence for a moment, not sure if you even saw me. 

You also waited quietly, at first really playing the part of a terrified, devastated child. However, once you were sure the Janitor was long gone, I saw you raise your chin and search your back pocket, pulling out what looked like two metal rods. You immediately went up to the edge of your cage, fiddling with the lock until the door swung open.

My eyes went wide as you hopped out and brushed yourself off, tilting your head to the side as if you were trying to get water out of your ears. You took a moment to ready yourself, then looked in the direction the Janitor left. I knew exactly what you were thinking as you did that.

You were going to go follow him and see if he could lead you out.

I looked down at my mask, lightly gave it a comforting pat, then I cleared my throat, whispering a soft, "hey."

You immediately whirled around and put your hands up in front of yourself as if you were trying to cast a spell on me. However, your eyes seemed to soften as soon as you saw me.

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