Wrong person, right time??

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(Noone pov)
"NO PLEASE NO!" Travis yelled as he felt a heavy hand hit his face, It was his dad Kenneth putting his hands on Travis again because Travis had spilled Kenneth's drink all over him on accident. "GOD DAMNIT BOY WATCH OUT NEXT TIME" Kenneth yelled before picking up the blond boy off the ground by his collar and coming face to face with him. At this point Travis could smell a strong scent of beer and smoke coming from his father, The drunk man lifted his hand but then put it down realizing the time. Travis had school he let go of the shaken teen and huffed as he walked to the kitchen and grabbed a wet cloth as he walked past Travis to the living room he threw the cloth at Travis "Wipe your face your bleeding" he said as the larger man sat back in his chair. Travis still shaken took the wet rag and cleaned up his face, After wiping off the blood he got up and took a breath before grabbing his backpack still terrified he headed off to school. As he walked he fixed his purple sweater and his hair before running the rest of the way to not be as late.
[Travis POV]
I arrived at school and tried to calm down about the events that just occurred before I could even get through to door I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head and turn to see a tall, lanky, brown-haired, And pretty obviously high male. Larry Johnson, he was outside the school with his friend sal. ",Ugh I hate them both" I thought to myself but I didn't mean it I see a bunch of rocks in Larry's hand and he was throwing them at me "FUCK OFF JOHNSON" I yell at him as he laughs "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO! FIGHT ME??" He yells back before I can even say anything Sal grabbed Larry's shoulder and whispered something to him and Larry dropped the rest of the rocks looking disappointed and looks up at me and flips me off, I flip him right back off and stick out my tongue "HAH, yeah that's what I thought" I remark loud enough for him to hear, His face turns red before he starts running after me and I start to run away panicking I run into the building down the hall and right into the class I had I look back to see he stoner boy right behind me and before he could do anything the teacher told him to stop and sit down cause it was both of our classes. He looked pissed but didn't want to get in trouble so he sat down even if he didn't plan of being in this class for another 10mins. I sat in my seat beside him "How unlucky I am to sit beside him" I thought and giggled a bit.
[Larry POV]
"THAT LITTLE SHIT, I was gonna skip this class if that homophobic bitch didn't trick me" I yell in my head "Well I guess It was kinda my fault I was throwing rocks," I think as I groan as let my head fall back, I look over at Travis and give him a death glare but soon I'm full on studying his face as he listens to the teacher and writes down things his face is all bruised and has scratches one of his eyes are lighter than the other "is he being hurt or something," I ask in my head, his hair falls on his lips..his lips "Mr. Johnsonnn? JOHNSON" I hear as I look over and realize I've been staring at Travis for like 10 minutes and the teacher was talking to me "H-Huh??" I stutter out as kids start laughing and whispering I look around and see Travis looking at me confused "I asked if you could answer this question, Larry!" The teacher spat out to me. I start to panic until I feel a tap and look at the person who tapped me it was the Phelp boy and he was mouthing the word "1980" to me I looked at him confused and looked at the teacher "Uhh 1980??" I answer without thinking "Correct!, thank you for finally answering me" she says Before going back to teaching. I shift my eyes to the blond teen who now had his head down and nudge him.
[Travis POV]
I feel someone nudge me as I lift my head and lock eyes with Larry "Uh, what do you want" I whisper "What was that!? " he whisper-yelled at me "I helped you! can I get an Um Thanks Travis" I mock as I furrow my eyebrows "Yeah but why?" He asks and huffs. I just shrug and go back to writing stuff down but I feel another more aggressive nudging and I look back to the Metalhead "What!" I whisper loudly "Thanks." I hear him say quietly but sarcastically " Mhm," I thought as I go back to work.

[TIME SKIP to lunch/ still Travis POV]

"Finally! My sweet sweet bologna" I think to myself as I go sit down at the completely empty table and begin eating and hear loud laughing a few tables down I look to see the freak and his friends all having fun I roll my eyes
But I still look at them. I feel my heart sink as I slowly realize I'm all alone, my eyes wander off to Larry as I look at him I feel my face heat up and I get real red before a smile then form's on my face before I come back to reality "What the fuck, what's going on why am I blushing. I'm not gay!" I think to myself but then I think I little more about what happened "Maybe I do have feelings fo- NO WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING, but.." a wave of emotions wash over me and my eyes start to water I get up, and run to the bathroom and hide in the stalls as I start crying. I don't know what to do but then I got an idea I pulled out a piece of paper I had from my pocket some girl gave it to me but I just erased what they had written and started writing down my own words.

"I know we don't really know each other and you probably have your opinions of me. I thought maybe if I told you how I feel, things could be different. The truth is, I can't stop thinking about you. I'm crazy about you. I think you're amazing! But I know these feelings are wrong. It's not the way a boy should feel. Shame swallows me whole. My father would kill me but I can't live in his shadow forever I just..." I finish writing and put "to Larry" on it and stare down at it "no NO NO IM NOT GAY" I Think as I scribble out the last part I run out and 
Crumble up the note before throwing it at the trash can and running back into the stall. I continue quietly sobbing till I hear the bathroom door open and I stay silent.
[Sals POV]
I open the door to the bathroom and walk a few steps before hearing a crunch under my foot I look down and move my foot to see a note and I pick it up and read it "damn.." I say quietly before hearing a small whiny noise coming from one of the stalls and I walk over to check it out "Hello, is someone in here?" I ask "No duh fuckwad!! Buzz off" I hear the other say their voice sounds shaky and forced. Then I realized
"Travis?!, were you just crying a second ago?" I get concerned "Sallyface!? I- NO, what the hell can't a guy get some privacy" He yelled, "why do you hate me so much!" He went all silent for a while "Because you and your friends are a bunch of dumb homos it's sick and twisted!, God will NEVER love you why would I." I sigh loudly
"you know we aren't all gay right me and ash are bisexual and Larry's pansexual maple and chug well straight- so technically Todd's the only real gay one here" I say with a little laugh "Ugh" He groans.
"Hey. Is your father pushing these beliefs on you Tr-?." I try to finish saying "JUST BECAUSE MY DAD IS A PREACHER
I almost jump at his anger "Hey, I never said that I'm just saying it must be hard living with such a intense man." I calmly say "You have no idea" he mutters "Hey I'm sorry.." I start feeling bad about all this "Oh don't be sorry, I don't need your pity" His voice sounding dead
"You know we don't have to be enemies right, you know I think under all that anger and frustration there's a good dude who's afraid of being himself," I say with a smile even if he can't see it" W-why are you being so nice to me.." He mumbles
" I really don't think you're a bad person Travis! You're just angry at stuff and there isn't anything you can do about it so you take it out on people, right." I listen for a moment "You know I don't really hate you..or your friends. I guess your right"
I softly laugh "Yeah, I didn't think so but hey if you need someone to talk to again you'll always be able to talk to me!"
"Thank you sally- Erm I mean sal" He stutters out and I can hear what seems like to door opening.
I take a step back before looking at the taller boy his red face and red eyes gave the whole crying thing away.
"Uhm. I was wondering sal"He wipes his face and eyes "I was wondering if I could be a part of your little group." He says "Well Uhm I don't know how the others will take that but I have a idea how about we make up some plan" I say, Travis nods "Like what"? I look at him and shrug "I mean I guess I can say I'm helping you with work because we are all gonna hang out later today!!" I say excitedly And he Nods at the idea "Ok then Travis hey give me your phone number so I can plan it out" He agrees and we exchange numbers "Now I just got to get my dad on board" He says quietly "Yeah bye Travis" I say as I walk out the bathroom with a unseen smile on my face.

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