.The Hangout

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[Sal POV/ Timeskip/ larrys apartment]
"Ok guys, I have something to say. I might have someone over" I explain "What, who" I hear larry ask "Uhh someone" I reply barely answering the question "alright sal" I hear Ash say, I get really excited that a this is happening but then I think what if he doesn't even come what is his dad won't let him what if he doesn't make it here for some reason,..What If- my thoughts get cut off as there is a knock at the door my eyes meet with those of the blond boy "you really came!" I whisper yeah now let me in or am i just going to stand out here looking like a creep" I chuckle and let him in and quietly bring him back to the group with me but right before we enter I fell him grab my shoulder, I turn and look at him confused. "I-. Can't do this" He whispers "Thats nonsense, I'm here for you don't worry Travis" I whisper back to him and give him a smile "O-ok, but if things go bad I'm leaving." I nod and open the door to the room and poke my head in "Ok ok guys listen don't freak out" I say and receive alot of confused looks "God Sallyface your scaring me now" Larry says with a little laugh "Hah hah Larry funny but I think Sal wouldn't bring anyone that scary-" Ash replied also laughing, at this point almost everyone was laughing and I grab Travis and push him inside...

Silence the whole room was still and all staring at me. Even I'm frozen in fear but I manage to lift my hand and wave awkwardly "Hel-" I get out "NO NO NO
what the FUCK is this a joke!!" I get cut off by Larry yelling and standing up, At this point I almost ran out but Sal grabbed Larry and tried to pull him back "Come on Larry stop listen to me" Sal said, Larry ignored him and headed straight towards me to the point he was inches away from me and I was cornered before slamming his hands on the wall behind me. I was terrified "What the fuck is this" He yells I just stand there I want to scream or explain everything but I can't I just look at him confused "HUH!" He slams his hands again.i try but i can't help but shake and cry. "I-im sorry" I shutter out and try and look at Sal or anyone at this point but I can't see past him "Geez Larry thats was kinda intense" I hear. I look at Larry and he looks at me "I- Uhm " He backs up and I'm no longer cornered but I still won't stop crying, I feel someone hug me and I look over at Sal hugging me and I hug back "I'm sorry about that I really am he's just really angry today, Are you ok" I nod and wipe my face before turning to Larry "I'm sorry I didn't mean to not speak." He looks at me before sitting and huffing. "Can I explain it to them" Sal asked with a soft smile I nod again.

[TIME SKIP to after explaining]

[Sal pov] "does everyone understand" I look at everyone's confused faces. "Listen i love you dude but, I don't believe a word that just came out your mouth! All that sounded like was bullshit" Larry says angerly "I know it's alot to take in but I'm telling the tru-" I try to finish "And how do you know he's not lying" Larry spits out "I honestly don't have any proof but please believe me on this he's not the bad guy" I look over to realize Travis was no longer in the room but was quietly outside the door "Yeah and your alibi left.. oh fuck this shit" Larry says Before getting up and leaving the room out the back door.

[Larry's pov]

"WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS" I think to myself as I head to the tree house "My fucking kingdom" I say as I climb up to the top and get in and sit down. "Stupid church boy thinks I'm going to believe him I mean there is so much not explained like why didn't he just leave his dad's house or fight back or tell someone sooner" I mumbled. I ended up lost in thought thinking of solutions to my questions even if i didn't want to. I came up with a million questions and answers but one question stayed "What really going on with his dad why would he hate his own child". I decided to let it go and focus on something more important, My stash I get up and shuffle through some of my mess and pull out a small bag of weed, a grinder and my one of a kind bong and I begin doing my favorite activity getting high.

"Travis?" I walk out and look at him ,His face is all melted and scrunched up and it hurts me. "I am so sorry" I say and try reaching out to comfort him before he pushed my hand away "It's not your fault sally he has a point all I did was come into your life and fuck it up and now I ask to be forgiven I don't think so"..I watch as he wipes his eyes "I should just go ill see you tomorrow" He begins to walk away and I try and stop him but I fail and he leaves. I go and sit back down with the others and talk to them a little more about what had happened and they kinda understood a little more. I just wish Larry would understand.

[Hi sorry this took so long to get out I had a vacation so LALALALL]

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