~fun times~

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[Sat 9:00 Larry's house/// Travis pov]

I wake up to a weird feeling like I'm being watched I sit up to see Larry on his bean bag looking at me before he quickly turns away "weirdo" I thought "sooo" I look around "so what I guess you leave" He says as he crosses his arms "High must have worn off" I mumble quietly I get up and shuffle around to grab my bag then look at Larry "Hey thanks and I'm sorry for everything I've done in the past I hope we can be friends" I remark as I head for the backdoor "oh fuck. You're already here just stay and hangout plus you still got nowhere to go" I hear from behind me "No, it's fine I'm sure I'll find someone to take me in" I get out before I feel a hand grab my arm "Travis do you even know anyone who could take you in right now I mean it would just be you and me I think the others are still on edge," He asks as I turn and look at him "Well i- " My sentence was cut short when we heard a knock at the door. Larry lets me go and slowly opens the door before slamming it shut "Uhh fuck maybe you're right Phelps you should go" just as he finishes his words the Door swings open revealing sal and the others standing outside of it "Hey! What's your problem Lar you can't slam a door on someone" I see sal walk in and stop when he sees me "Oh my go- TRAV what are you doing here?! Are you two friends now or mo-" He says Before Larry pulls him over and gets him in a headlock "hush up he's just here for a reason" and then he releases sal. The others walk in and look at me as well now almost everyone is looking at me. I don't blame them I have a bag in my hand and I'm dressed in Larry's clothes with my hair a fucking mess so I admit it's not their fault. "Okay but really what is going on here?" Ash asked I was going to answer but Larry got to it before I could "Travis here got kicked out and he was in the pouring rain and I found him so I brought him here because I'm too nice" a little bit of sarcasm at that last part, "oh no Travis are you okay" Sal asked worried and ran over to me "yeah I-I'm fine thanks to him" I give a soft smile and look down "but I should head out now so you guys can hangout!" I quickly said before turning back to the door. A hand is put on my shoulder "God these people are touchy" I think to myself "come on Trav I don't think Larry would mind if you stayed, right Larry." I look over at Larry who is now looking annoyed "yeah sure I was gonna let him stay anyways" he says Before crossing his arms and leaning on the wall "YES sounds good but first let's go get something to eat I'm hungry" Sal said excitedly And everyone including me agreed.
[They go to a fast food restaurant]
"Well we're here" Sal exclaimed "uhmm what is this place," I asked "THIS is the best pizza place in town," Sal said excitedly "Ohh cool" I quietly say almost sarcastically, We walk in and the place isn't packed but there are a lot of groups in tables we sit at a table and begin one by one ordering drinks "So Uhm does this place have more than just pizza or is that all," I asked sal who was lifting his mask halfway to drink "it's a pizza place what else could you want," Sal said as he set his mask back on his face "I appreciate the friendly help you guess are giving but I don't like pizza" I mumble back "OH shit right I'm sorry I forgot We can leave if you wan-," Sal said worried "No! I mean by the looks of it they have soup and salad here and some desserts so I'll just get that!" I say trying to get sal to calm down He stayed silent but nodded "Why didn't you say that before we got our drinks." I hear beside me I look over to be greeted by Larry looking annoyed at me "I- um I didn't- Sorry" is all I got out before our waiter came and we ordered. We talked ate and started walking back home, As we walked I noticed we were passing my house I didn't mean to but I stopped and looked at it I saw my Father sitting on the porch with a beer doing something I couldn't make out I stopped and stared till he pointed his eyes at me. I jumped and started to try and hide between the others but I was the tallest and I know he saw me I could feel his stare and anger as I hurried along the path back to the apartments. When we reached the apartments we went and hung out in Larry's apartment cause it was the closest, we ended up talking and watching TV till It became late in the evening when someone came up with the idea to play "Teenager party games" because it fun all the other invited the rest of their friends and we sat in a circle thinking of which game to play some settled on 2 truths one lie or never have I ever but the majority said truth or dare and we started playing. About 3 rounds of people doing stupid dares, telling secret truths and because of Larry some were smoking, it was Sal's turn "Larry truth or dare?" Sal asked in a funny cause of the weed "Dare, cause I'm no pussy" Larry loudly exclaimed and laughed "OK uh fuck I dare you too uh mm" he stuttered while I picked up a drink trying not to laugh at the stutters "Fucking.. kiss Travis!! Yeah" he yells and I choke on my drink as I look up at Sal with an angry yet "wtf" kind of expression then I look at Larry expecting a protest to the statement and am met to a shrug towards Sal while he gets up and walks towards me. I put my drink down and tried to scurry up before I was grabbed and had my arms pinned to my side I look up at Larry "Fuck off!! I'm not kissing you I'm not a faggot" I said feeling my cheeks slightly heat up "Then prove it this shouldn't bother you" I was going to fight back but my body wouldn't let me I just stared at him as his face gets closer to mine till our lips touch and my face scrunches up and I close my eyes tightly as my face gets hotter, the woos and wows fade out and my face relaxes and feeds into the kiss. We stayed like that for what felt like ages before Larry pulled and make a string of saliva from him to me I snap back to reality and turn away wiping my mouth aggressively. I give larry a death look and go back to sitting down and everyone continues as if nothing happened but in my head, it all raced "I'm not a faggot.., right??" I never had another turn and I just sat facing the wall watching the ice cubes in my glass. After a few hours, everyone started leaving one by one as the last person left it hit me "I didn't find a place to stay tonight I started to get up and I look up to see larry waving off the last person and walk up to him before tapping him on the shoulder he whips around to look at me with his now red eyes "You're still here I thought yo-" I interrupt him "I never talked to anyone I was so busy with you guys" He tiled his head like a puppy, raises his eyebrow and smiles "that whole time you were pouting in the corner you didn't think of it" I get angry and clutch my fists "I wasn't POUTING and no I didn't!!" I shouted even if I didn't mean to "calm down, You can just stay here again all your things are here anyways" He said insistingly. Me being too tired I just nodded and stood in the corner as he pulled the couch out into a bed and fixed its blanket and pillows "There you go good sir" I looked at the bed before collapsing on it and watching as the tv turned to a different show and the weight of the bed shifts I look behind me to see larry sitting in the bed beside me I look at him with a strange face which I guess caught his attention "what I'm not doing anything" I rolled my eyes as I faced the tv in front of me with this tv being this way I knew he had to look my way so he could be staring and I wouldn't know it freaked me out but I then thought about the kiss again. I started asking myself questions before drifting off to sleep. "I'm not a freak or am i"...

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