Forgetting the past~

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(Larry POV)

I woke to my vision blurry and my head hurting as my vision goes normal I feel a body of warmth in my arms which slightly startled me till I look up and my eyes are met with a sleeping Travis I realize he and I are almost fully curled up with each other I look at his face and feel my face heat up before I slowly remove myself from his embrace and look around the room before I go and use the bathroom. When I come out Travis is still sleeping I start to sit and turn off the tv as I try and recall the events from the night before then it hits me "We kissed" I mumble quietly in disbelief before I feel the bed move I turn to look at Travis who was rubbing his eyes and yawning "Morning Phelps" I said kinda glad I woke before him so he didn't flip out on me for cuddling him, He looks up at me with a tired yet pissed face "What not a morning person" I tease and laugh a bit "Not if you're the thing I see when I wake up" He remarked as he made a sarcastic tooth grin at me before sitting up. "You hungry cause if so I can get my mom to get us something," I say looking at the door "Sure" the blond boy mumbles I nod and walk out of the room, go to my mom's door, and knock on it "Who is it" I hear "Me mom!" I yell back  "Come in," she says. I open the door to my mom fixing her hair she looks over at me "Good morning dear" she said as she walked over to me grabbed my face and gives me a big kiss on the cheek making me laugh slightly "Hehe morning mom, Hey can you go out and get me and Travis some food" I ask as she pulls away from my face. "Of course, I can get you and your little b- I mean friend some food" she shoots a cheeky smile at me "I heard that," I say as I cross my arms "I'm sorry it's just you two have been friendly with each other and I just took it the wrong way," she says with a little giggle "He is just some boy that I helped he'll go back to being an asshole when he leaves," I say "if he leaves, you always suggest for him to stay here but then again you're either drunk or high which I don't appreciate you doing in my house" She gives me a stern look "okay stop right there I don-" I say but she puts a finger on my mouth and continuing, "I think you are more truthful about how you feel when you can't control it and I dont think you want him to leave" I stand there in disbelief "Mom, no Travis is a bully, an asshole and I don't like him I'm just giving him a place to stay because I'm not an asshole like him!" I practically scream "Do not raise your voice in my house and if you don't like him why did you kiss him, huh?" a smile spreads on my mom's face as she grabs her keys and slips on her shoes before walking to the door. I let her leave "Why did I kiss him, and how does she know," I think to myself before slowly returning to my room with Travis on the bed watching some show called "Bruce Almighty" I just sit on the other side of him "So my moms getting us food till then what do you wanna do?" I ask "Huh, oh okay and I don't know," He says without taking his eyes off the screen. "You like this movie?" I ask as he still doesn't look at me "Yeah, it's a show my dad showed me cause it was god related but it's really good this news reporter gets to step in like gods shoes" He says as a smile paints his face. This makes me laugh because he's really enjoying it I don't know how he even got on to it but it's funny "don't laugh at me" He turns his head and yells at me this just makes me laugh more "Shut up!" he now turn fully around I fall on my back and laugh hard "Oh my gosh" he starts giggling, at this point I'm snorting and crying "You're getting so mad!" I tease "Alright, fuck off" I get a pillow smacked on my face and I stop laughing and wipe my tears as I pull the pillow off and sit up. I still can't stop smiling "About damn time" Travis looks at me with a proud grin I sit there and sigh "Travis, can I ask you something" I look at him with a more serious face, He stops grinning and nods. "You said your dad kicked you out because of a letter about him right" He looks down and slowly nods again, "about him being an asshole right??" He nods "And sal said he's the reason you are the way you are" he looks at me "Yeah" he quietly replies "So your not going to be an asshole now that you're here right?" He huffed and nodded "Great, so if you aren't then you can stay here a little longer if you want okay" He sighs "I don't want to be a burden ill leave as soon as I can I'm sure Phillip will take me but thanks" Once Travis said that I get mad for some reason "You are not a burden just stay here man, I want you here!" The last part slipped out and I didn't mean for it to "Wait what" He stares at me and I didnt even know what I said "I mean that you shouldn't- or I mean- maybe it" I fumble with my words and sigh "I just wanna start over" he looks down again then nods and looks back up "Yeah, id really like that" and he smiles. Just then my mom bursts open my door holding food which makes me and Travis jump "Oh My God, you two are so cute!!" she smiled widely "Were you listening in on us!!" I yell and furrow my eyebrows "Yep and you too are adorable" I look over to Travis whose whole face is red and he puts his head in his hands. My mom pats him and gets our food down "you're not leaving" she says to him "Mom! come on" she laughs and leaves. I pat Travis's back and he lifts his head and grabs his food "You okay dude" He nods still slightly red I laugh and grab my food we both eat and finish watching Travis's silly movie.

While we forget the past...

BOOM another one done

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