Coming to a understanding

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[Travis on the Walk home]
"I'm so stupid I'm so stupid IM.SO.STUPID!..what was I thinking going over there" I whisper to myself as I wait in the elevator trying the hold back tears and went I get to the right floor I bolt out and leave through the door I quickly ran to my house. I reach my door tired for the run and open the door quietly just incase I set my things down and look up. Only to be met with the most scares thing it was my dad and my mom beside him looking down I was confused at first till i realized my father's hands they had a small page in them a crumpled ball of paper..a note MY note that Ieft in my short pockets and he must have found it when my mom did laundry and took it out. "Well hello Travis do you mind explaining WHAT THE FUCK THIS IS" He yells as he holds the paper up I look at him start storming his way towards me and I try and back or get out the door but it's no use he lands a fist in my stomach causing me to fall to my knees. He then goes on to pulls my hair back and makes me face him "I want you and your things out of this house NOW" He growled and left me go. As I ran to my room i could help but look at my mom who was sobbing our eyes met and I gave her a worried look "I don't want to leave my mom here with this man but there isn't anything I can do" I thought as I reached my room and started packing my things "Shit shit SHIT" I say as my mind runs a marathon around my head. I finish grabbing all my things and run to open the door and get out of that house, All that then silence I look around for anything I don't know what I wanted but it wasn't just to sit there so I stand up and start to walk to nowhere. "Well this day couldn't get any w-" the sound of thunder stopped my sentence "God I couldn't have kept my stupid mouth shut could I" I speed up my walking and think about where I will go from here until droplets hit my face and I full on run to a bench with a little shelter on it and I decided to settle there. It doesn't take me longer before I drift off to sleep
(Time skip still trav pov)
"Hey..HEY!" I awake to a person's voice yelling at me "Sorry sorry ugh" I say as I rub my tired eyes, when I finally gain my focus I look at whoever was waking me up "well good morning" My lucky just got way worse it was Larry, great another thing I have to deal with "Huh, Larry what are you doing here" I say making sure all my stuff is still there beside me "I could ask you the same thing phelps". I decided to fuck it and tell him maybe it won't end up like last time "My dad kicked me out" I waited in silence for a little before Larry bursts out laughing "Oh my god really thats the best you got" I wasn't surprised and I stayed silent while looking down then he stopped "Heh. Wait you aren't joking why would he kick you out"!?, I looked up to him almost standing over me "God I can't tell him what really happened he can't know about what I really am" I thought to myself and then came up with a truthful lie. "Well he found a note I made about him being a shitty father so he kicked me out" I close my eyes and try to stay calm when I felt more pressure on the now soaked bench when I look over the metalhead was sitting right beside me "Well shit that sucks, well I'm just out here cause I was going to get something to eat till I saw you" He says while leaning back. "Whats up with him he's being more kind" then I focus on him alittle more his eyes his smell "oh he's been smoking that's good he's more relaxed I guess" I think to myself as I lean back a bit as well "Hey, so where are you going to stay" He looks at me "right here I guess, my phones dead" I shrug "Uhh okay well its coming down really hard if you want we can go back to my place and you can use my phone to call someone to pick you up" He said as he runs his fingers through his hair. I'm a little shocked he asked but he seems higher than a kite right now so it explains alot "Oh well that's fine I'm okay also aren't you and your friends hanging out tonight" I remark "Huh?, oh right no they didn't wanna stay after- uh after the incident" he looks away and looked really uncomfortable saying that "Hey um about earlier I took a little thinking break and I'm sorry I did that It was kinda intense but I thought about it and what's happening now I believe you about your dad and stuff". I stared down at the ground "Hey its not all your fault you were only mad because I'm a shitty person and I didn't expect you to like me just like that so I fucked up too"

[Larry's pov ]
"-Up too" As he finished saying that a loud booming thunder went off "Holy shit we should get going" I said almost panicked "yeah ill just get my things". He grabs his bag and stands up "Oh..god." I hear quietly and when I look over Travis is holding his stomach and his things are dropped "Woah you okay dude" I ask as I try and help pick up his things "mhm it's just my dad kinda punched my stomach" He says while I stare in shock "what the fuck who does that to their own child" I say out loud only to be met with silence so I finish picking up his things and help him walk over to the apartments back door
[When they arrive]
I open the door and go in with the blond boy right beside me "Uh you can go sit over there on the couch thing and I'll go get my phone my mom took it beca- nevermind I'll be right back" I watch him sit and I walk over to my moms room I knock because it's really late and she's probably asleep "Larry is that you if so come in" of course she knew so I walk in "heyy madre can I have my phone back" I ask as she turns on her light to see me "Larry! You soaking wet and why do you need your phone at this time" she was right I was drenched "Yeah sorry and I need it for a friend he got kicked out and he needed to call someone to get him" I explained as best I could "where is your little friend and why doesn't he have his own phone" she asked sitting up more "Well I brought him home cause it was pouring and his is dead so can I get it" I smile softly "stop bringing random people in my house! And fine here" she reaches in the drawer and tossed me my phone which I catch "thank you mom good night" I get a eye roll in response and she turns off her light and I leave and go back to the room "Hey trav I got th-" I get out before realizing he was asleep. Seeing this I made up my mind I slowly try waking him with a soft push "Hey dude" he opens his eyes and gets up "I'm sorry I was just tired an-"  "Hey hey chill out listen it's really late and your to tired so how about you get changed and you can just sleep here". I watch his eyes widen "no NO it's okay I don't wanna be a bother" I don't listen and grabbed his bag "dude your clothes in this bag are also fucking soaked hold on I think I have something clean enough for you" I say walking to my drawers and looking through them "wait I- okay" He sighs and stands up walking towards me "how about these" I pull up a sanity falls shirt and some pants I look at him and give them to him "Uh well thanks I guess" he looked at the clothes alittle more and shrug and then looked at me confused i looked back at him confused myself we stayed like that for a few seconds "so are you gonna like show me the bathroom" and I realized I forgot to tell him "OH yeah yeah sorry this way" I say hurriedly as I show him where and go back to the room to change I choose a white undershirt and some black sweats  
[Small time skip]
I just got my pants on when Travis comes back I look over at him and I just stare at him in my clothes "woah kinda cute" I think to myself "wait what WHAT AM I SAYING" I think kinda panicked "are you just going to sleep shirtless" I hear which breaks my train of thought "huh" I look down and realize I was just standing there with my shirt in my hands staring at this dude. "NO um I'm not" I then put on my shirt and he sits on the couch [I hc its a couch bed] "Hey I'mma go in the living room and sleep" I say as I walk to the door "wait what, no I'm the guest shouldn't I sleep in there" I look over to him "Well I mean its more comfortable in here and you might need a good rest for whatever tomorrow brings" i can hear him sigh "after everything you have done I can't do this one I'll go sleep in there" I start getting a little irritated now "well how's about we both sleep here I'll sleep on the bean bag okay" He opens his mouth to talk but instead nods "good. But I need a blanket and pillow so I'll be back. " I walk to the couch that has a throw pillow and a blanket I grab them and walk back. I look and Travis is asleep "that was quick" I mumble and lay on my bean bag and set up the pillow and blanket "night phelps" and I slowly fall asleep.

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