~Party games~ SMUT

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(Travis's Pov 4-5 pm) also guys I think I fucked up and called what I thought was an RV a van but I'm not gonna fix it so meh

It's been maybe a week or more since Larry and I became friends. We have gotten closer, hell it's hard not to since we're in the same house and I have to admit I'm thinking of Larry more every day and, well more passionately. I mean he's really sweet and good-looking and- "Phelps, did you hear me about the party" I get snapped out of thought by Larry talking to me I was watching tv in the living room "Uhm not really sorry" I reply he sighs and repeats his words "Party, 6 pm are you going?" he asks. "Right, yeah I guess I'm going," I say to him as I look over at him and he starts to remove his shirt "Jesus" slips out my mouth, He turns to me with a confused smile "What was that?" I look back down "Nothing I'm just not sure how fun this party will be, Yeah." He puts on a different shirt "Come on it's going to be fine I'm going to make sure you have fun, okay?" He fixes the shirt and sits beside me. I nod and turn to him "Okay I'm going to finish getting ready in my room you get ready in the bathroom" I get up and nod before going into Larry's room and grabbing my stuff and heading to the bathroom to get dressed. After I'm done I go out to see Larry chilling at the door with his van keys in hand "5:40 Alright I'm driving and Sal's going to meet us at the car but he is going to go home with ash because you know they're probably gonna" he makes an "O" and a pointing gesture with his hands before putting them inside each other "Ew, you didn't have to show me" I walk to him and playfully punch him before walking out the apartment door with him following behind me. We get to the van and see Sal waiting for us we get in and start toward the party.

(Short skip)

When we arrive the party has started with loud music drinks and people going crazy, we find the rest of the group we only stick together for a few before Larry takes me over to the drink table where they are playing beer pong and taking shots "Okay when you said fun you didn't say underage drinking" I say watching Larry get a drink "Oh come on you're 18 I'm 19 it's fine we're adults" He says. At the same time, he practically chugs his drink and makes another, and hands it to me "Here lighten up Phelps and just enjoy the time here" He says as he runs over to do stupid shit and I go off and sit in the corner and drink my drink.

[after a few drinks and minutes later]

After a while of drinking and talking and find out the hard way I'm lightweight when it comes to drinking since I'm already tipsy but then Larry comes back half hammered offering another drink I take it though I didn't think I could take another without getting really drunk so I drink a little. Larry starts talking to me, but the music gets louder to the point I have to put my drink down. I cover my ears, and Larry notices me.

[Larrys POV]

I notice Travis cover his ears as the music gets louder his face shows his distress and I grab him and gesture to the door which he nods at so he grabs his drink and we head outside I see Travis take a sigh of relief when we get out the door it makes me laugh and he looks at me and giggles along with me I can tell he's a little buzzed but he's also pretty aware like me so both he and I can feel the wind pick up. I decided maybe we could chill in my van since it had a bed I could pull out for when I'm on the go or doing other stuff like when I go in my van to get stoned "come on dude lets go to my van" I say as I almost unintentionally grabs his hand and pull him over to the van making him slightly spill his drink. I let go as I open the door and fix the bed before letting him in and close the van doors before sitting on the mattress beside him "It smells weird in here" Travis complains I just shrug and say "Sounds like a personal problem Phelps" Travis darts his eyes towards Larry "How is that a-" he stops himself before sighing "You're not worth yelling at" he mumbles I sarcastically frown as I slide back and lean on the van door and look around for something to do. I glance at the "would you rather" Adult card game and I reach over and grab it "Hey Trav wanna play" I hold the cards up he looks over and shrugs but then nods "Yeah sure I get to go first tho" He remarks before putting his cup down and snatching the cards out of my hands, He takes out and looks through the cards as I give him a sour smile but I couldn't stay mad so I just sighed and waited for him to get the cards set then "There" I hear then I look over at the two card piles one says this and one says that. Travis grabs one of each at looks at me "Okay Larry would you rather eat 10 cockroaches or-" He gets a weird look on his face "Or always be hard in public places (except around children ofc)" he finishes. I don't think long "Wait are the cockroaches dead, or flavored," I ask "I guess whatever you want" He answers with a shrug "Then cockroaches chocolate ones," I tell him. He sticks his tongue out and laughs, which makes me laugh a little louder, Travis takes a sip of his drink before handing me the card on putting the other one on the bottom of the pile I grab two cards for Travis "Alright my turn Travis would you rather-" as I look at the cards I lose my shit and laugh out loud "Wait what is it Travis asks In laughs and wheezes I say "W- HAH would you rather loudly orgasm after every time you cough OR *snicker* cum every time you sneeze? "I burst out laughing again. I look at Travis's face to see his mouth agape and a confused smile starts growing "WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT" He yells I shrug and finish my laugh to see his response but I still have the biggest smile and giggles escape my mouth "I- holy shit Uhm I guess orgasmic coughs" he says before he chuckles and I have a laughing fit again. After a few, we stopped giggling and snickering and continued the game.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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