Chapter 3

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" I..." He began." I can't. At least not right now." 

What does he mean? if Brook's really using him like that, He needs to find someone better. Me, possibly.  you think to yourself.  

" Why? Is she-" 

" I need to get myself a lawyer in case she tries to bring some bullshit to the judge."  He says. I put my hand on his back. 

" You need to come clean to your parents, to prepare them in case any of that comes into play."

" You've got expert advice sometimes." He said. after a long silence, Daron spoke up. " I'll try it.

there was a honk in the driveway. Daron packed his things and dashed out the door. 

" Bye!" He yelled.

" Bye Daron!" I yelled. I was still in shock with brooks problem. with the way she looks, walks, and talks nobody would've ever guessed. not even me. I wonder how she does it.


" Did you tell them yet?" I asked Daron the next morning.

" Yes. i need to dump her today. they said if i don't, more trouble is yet to come." he replied. 

" I'd do it during lunch. that would be the most private time.  it'd be better than dumping her in the middle of class." i said.

" Again with the expert advice, Y/N." he said. 

" What I do best." I said, shrugging. Daron started to laugh.

" I'll do it." he said.

Daron Malakian Fanfic story # 1Where stories live. Discover now