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" Y/N!" Mom yelled. "Daron is here!" 

" fuck fuck fuck fuck " I whispered to myself while putting on deoderant, brushing my hair,putting on some eyeliner and a new shirt.

" We need you back at Shavo's House. were making another song." Daron said.

" I lost it at you. i'm sorry." I said.

" I'm sorry too. i didn't mean what i said." He said. 

" So you already finished " She's like heroin?"" I asked.

" Yeah." 

" Oh." I said, looking down, kicking at the hard wood floors.

" So, Are you coming or not? "  He asked, impaciantly. 

" Yeah, one second." 

the walk back to Shavo's house was fairly silent, No one really spoke to each other, and i grabbed Darons hand and looked over at him.  

How his hair flowed in the air, it looked like it could freeze time, simply for a moment. his hazel eyes, somehow sparkle.  

Daron didnt rip his hand away from mine like i was expecting him to. 

" What's this next one called?" I asked, nervous to speak.

" Vicinity of Obscenity. Serj wrote it . Terricotta pie, real stoner shit." 

" So im just here to watch?" I asked nervously.

" No. " He replyed. 


the rest of the way back to Darons house was incredibly silent between the two of us.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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