Chapter 4

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We all sat down at the regular table. All of us, Serj, Shavo, Daron and I all stared in Brooks direction. 

" Little bitch." Shavo muttered to himself, shaking his head slowly. 

" Daron, go! She's open and vulnerable!" I said, Gently shoving him off the bench torwards her.

We couldn't hear what Daron or Brook were saying, but we could see Brook absolutely fuming with anger. She yelled something at Daron before flipping him off. 

" F*ck you, A**hole!" she yelled of anger. 

He sat back down, not making a sound. His face was bright red. We all just kinda looked around at each other. 

"What's up with you?" Serj asked.

" Did you not see what just went on? " Daron asked Serj.

" Dude, I thought you hated her? This is ridiculous! You need to make up your mind about women." Shavo said. 

I let out a giant sigh. why couldn't he just realize that I'm the right one? I'm sick of waiting. We all waited for the bell to ring and we could get away from each other.      

The bell rings.

We all pack up. Daron joined me.

" Oh, Shavo won't ever learn, will he?" Daron asked.

No responce.

" Right?" He asked, seemingly desperate for my acknowledgement. 

Once again.

" A-are you alright, Y/N?" He said.

" Yeah. Uuh, i need to tell you something."I said. 

" Sure. do you want to say it here or i can meet you at your house tonight." 

" I'd rather tell you at my house."

" Ok, I'll call you you tonight." he said.


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