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Hey you guys!! as you can see, i updated my profile a bit. hah, just a bit. anyways, i just wanted to tell you about the indecision  about the face reveal. i just wanted to wait a bit so people can kinda just adjust to the fact that i'm turning 12 on august 3rd, and not a 40 year old man in his basement writing stories. just wanted to clear the air on that. THANKS! :)(BTW, THEY THEM PRONOUNS FOR READER." 

" anyways, are you serious about letting me in?" I asked.

" Of course. we need someone like you." Daron said.

" Yeah, coming from you." I mumbled. Daron heard that and nudged me.

" Doesn't Serj know keyboard? Why not use him? I mea-" I began. 

" So are you in or not?" Serj said, looking deep into my soul.

" If you guys are being completely serious, yes." I said with pride.

" Ok, practice is tonight at darons house." Serj proclaimed. "I Will provide the keyboard. you can walk home with us. I'd just call your mom and let her know. i mean, it's darons house. aren't you guys family friends anyways?" 

" Yeah, we are. she'll be fine." I said, typing on my phone. i broke the silence that lasted a few seconds. " She said to be home before dinner at 7. I hope she doesn't forget. she'd be calling me every 2 seconds! could you imagine?"

The bell rung abruply. Daron, John and i all walked to  3rd hour together. as i sat down, kids behind me put their feet up and spat spitballs at the back of my head. they were laughing like what they did was funny. Daron stared at them and then back at me. he stood up. walked over to them calmly and said something.

" Hey, what do you guys think your doing?" he said.

" What do you want, Malakian? Or, should i say RABBIT TEETH?" a bold boy spoke up. He was wearing a jock jacket, and had a toothpick in his mouth.

" OH, thats it!" Daron said, absolutely fuming with anger.he threw a punch, but the boy dodged it with seeming ease. " YOU BETTER NOT DO THAT TO THEM AGAIN." He yelled. 

After school, i met up with my bandmates. we all started walking.

" Dude, Brad better watch his back." Daron said.

" Is that the guy that was spitting spitballs at me in the beginning of ela?" I asked.

" Yeah, it was. Pig." He said, grabbing my hand. 

" Aww you two are-" John started.

" Yeah, we are." He said, looking at you. " In other words,  They're my significant other." 

" Thats.. great!" Serj said.

We arrived. I walked in first, greeted by all Vartan's ( Darons dad) Paintings on the walls. 

"Y/N? Is it really you?" Zepur said, pulling you into a tight hug. " Your mother didn't tell me your coming back to town.. For good?" she asked. 

" Yes, for good, And it feels great to be back home." I said. 

" Mom, They're also the newest addition to our band i was telling you about." Daron said.

" Thats wonderful, here for practice, i presume?" Zepur said. 

" We are, and if you don't mind, we have to get to practice." Daron said.

" OK, have fun, children!" she yelled to us down  the stairs of the basement before daron shut the door. 

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