Chapter I

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cover art by @/xfssssssss on Twitter

Hi ! Here is the first chapter of my new fanfiction ! It's a modern AU Kazuscara, I hope you will like it !

Enjoy <3


The man was running the faster he could, trying to escape from the person following him. But it was no use. He couldn't get away from his fate. It would always chase him until his death.

Death that arrived sooner than he would have thought.

As the man was letting out his last breath, the assassin wiped the blood off their face, their dark blue eyes glowing in the night. 

"- They always think they can escape me... But they can't, it would be time they understand that."

Before they left, the assassin left a red and delicate flower on top of the corpse, smirking as they adjusted the petals.

And then, the short silhouette disappeared in the shadows who began to disappear as the day dawned, lighting up the sky on this new summer day.


Only a few kilometers from the man's last place, a young man was sleeping peacefully, his light hair harmoniously falling on his delicate face, the red streak in his hair standing out in the sunlight as it was infusing his bedroom, slowly waking him up.

The boy slowly opened his cherry-colored eyes and smiled as he felt the wind entering through the open window, gently ruffling his skin.

"- Hmm, today again, the weather is admirable !"

He immediately felt happy and got up, leaving his bedroom to go in the big house's living room. His grandfather was sitting on one of the numerous couches.

As always when he entered this room, the boy's thoughts darkened as he stared at all the empty couches. If this didn't happen, these would have been occupied by his family, if this clan didn't...

"- Good morning Kazuha ! How are you today ?"

Kazuha got out of his dark thoughts as his grandfather spoke.

"- Good morning grandpa ! I should be the one asking you that question actually !

- Oh, you know, I'm not that old, I'm doing fine !

- That's great then !

- Oh, by the way Kazuha, you will turn 22 next week, right ?"

The young man's smile faded a little.

"- Yes, that's right... Why ?

- Well, I thought you were becoming old enough to take the head of the Kaedehara group. Maybe it will be a little much for you at first to manage all the companies we own : the electronics ones, the social networks, the idols and models agencies...

- You can stop here, grandpa, that's already a lot !

- Haha, sorry... So, would you agree with that ? You will get some help from all of our managers, secretaries and assistants of course ! I was just thinking of quitting since as you get older, my dear grandson, I get older too, you know... One day, I will leave this world, and I don't want you to be all by yourself, you understand ?"

Kazuha's smile had completely disappeared now, and he had a sad glow in red eyes, which were so similar to his grandfather's.

"- Yes, I understand perfectly. I knew this day would happen, so I already prepared myself to take the reins of the Kaedehara group. I promise I won't disappoint you, Grandfather !

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