Chapter IX

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Kazuha stayed a little while standing in that park, still stunned about what happened.

"Heizou was here, and then Scaramouche got angry and he... kissed me ? Then, he ran away... Why ? And why did he kiss me ? And why did I agree to that ? Why did I... enjoy it ?"

The young man shook his head. This wasn't an appropriate place to think about all of this. Right now, he just wanted to go back home and rest.

Kazuha began to walk in the direction of the road, wondering how he would go home since Scaramouche probably took the car when he left.

But when he arrived near the road, he was surprised to see the black limousine. When the driver saw him arrive, he got out of the car to open the door for him. Kazuha thanked him, before asking :

"- What about Scaramouche...? How did he get back home ?

- Mr Scaramouche told me he would take the train to go back and ordered me to wait for you here."

Kazuha felt his face flush as the driver said that. This was so considerate, even more coming from someone like Scaramouche. Did that mean he wasn't mad at him ? But why did he leave then ?

The young man couldn't help but ask himself too much questions about it during the car ride. When he got home, he thanked the driver and gave him a tip before rushing to his room.

There, he crashed on his bed and stood still, trying to gather his thoughts.

"Scaramouche kissed me... I guess he didn't really think about it when he did it, but maybe there was a specific reason ? Like, he maybe wanted to make Heizou go away ? And I completely agreed to that... We're only supposed to have a fake friendship though... And even if during that day I realized that I wanted to spend more time with him as a real friend, I didn't know it would turn that way..."

Kazuha was shifting on his bed, feeling his brain getting a little overheated.

"...But even if I was surprised, I'm not upset about what he did, and I even think I... enjoyed it ? Does that mean... I feel something for him ? Well, he's really beautiful, and I enjoy spending time with him a lot, but that doesn't mean anything, right ?"

His head was hurting a little too much, so when Ann called him for dinner, he said he would only take some hot chocolate before going to bed. He reassured the woman about his state and went back to his room.

The young man eventually drifted into a sleep full of dreams about Scaramouche.


Speaking of Scaramouche, at that same time, he was in his room too, questioning his whole existence, feeling very guilty about what he just did.

"Why did I do that ??? There were a lot of people around, and I just wanted that Heizou guy to leave Kazuha alone ! And all I did was putting shame on Kazuha in front of everyone !"

Scaramouche had checked the social media and these were full of a picture of them kissing. When he tried to find the source of this picture, he found out with not too much surprise it was Heizou's account.

"That bastard ! And he says he likes Kazuha ?"

Everyone on Internet was going crazy about Kazuha and Scaramouche's relationship, to a point the dark-haired male found this scary. Dozens of articles about them were already out, imagining a long-term relationship that just got revealed, or a collaboration between the two for Scaramouche's next music album (they were right on that one).

The idol's private messages were full of questions about him and Kazuha, some of the usual homophobic insults too, but most were congratulations messages for dating someone from the first time since a couple of years when he dated a girl only interested by money and fame.

But Scaramouche didn't really care about all of that. All he was worried about was Kazuha's reaction to all of this.

"He didn't tell me exactly, but he's probably not attracted to men, so I think he will feel very annoyed being shipped with another guy... And that's all my fault !"

Scaramouche let out and whine before digging his head into his pillow. He had never felt that guilty and bad about someone in his life before.

"I just hope that knowing him, he isn't even aware about all of this... But what about me ? He probably doesn't want to see me anymore ! After all, I kissed him before running away because I wasn't even capable of facing him ! Why would he still want to be even friends with me ? Just why did I decide to get closer to him, why did that end up like that ?"

While the young man was wallowing in self pity, he heard a knock on his door.

"- Master Kunikuzushi ? Your father wants to see you, he has a mission for you !"

Scaramouche sighed. He just wanted to sleep right now, and after what just happened, even killing people couldn't make him feel better. (A/n : psychopath much :))

But he couldn't oppose his father, and didn't want something bad to happen to their servants, so he reluctantly got up and went to see his father, to be eventually sent to an umpteenth killing mission.


Hi ! Sorry for the kinda long chapter, but don't worry, I'm already writing the next one !

Also, we reached more than 1K reads on this story so I wanted to thank you, you're the best <3

See you again soon !


Words : 935

Published : September 9th 2022

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