Chapter XIII

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Scaramouche bursted his eyes open, panting. He had just had a bad dream where he was forced to kill Kazuha and-


"It wasn't real, right ???" thought Scaramouche, as he began to panic.

But as the young man woke up a little more, he realized there was a weight on his body. Through the moon's dim light, he could see a soft sleeping face next to him. Kazuha was lying on top of him, using his chest as a pillow.

"H-huh ?!"

Scaramouche tried to not make any noise but he was really embarrassed by the sleeping boy. 

As he tried to calm down, he realized the moon was beginning to disappear.

"The sun is going to rise soon- ! I need to get Kazuha to somewhere safe quickly, Father probably already knows I didn't come back last night !"

He didn't want to, but Scaramouche began to gently shake Kazuha to wake him up.

"- I'm sorry Kazuha, but you need to wake up... You'll be in danger if we don't leave soon..."

Kazuha grumbled a little but ended up opening his eyes. It took him a minute to remember what was going on, but when he looked at Scaramouche's panicked face, he nodded, a serious look appearing on his face.

"- Okay, where do we need to go ?

- I thought about it, and I think we should be safe at my cousin Ei's place. You know her, right ?"

Kazuha nodded.

"- Well, I know Yae better, but Miss Ei looks really nice too ! I didn't know she was your cousin !

-... Um, we try to not show it too much, that's why...

- Oh, I see..

- A-anyways, we need to go now, before the sun is completely out !

- Sure ! Oh, can I just say goodbye to my grandfather ?

- ..."

Scaramouche lowered his gaze. He didn't want to make Kazuha disappointed, but it was better if his grandfather stayed out of this.

"- I'm sorry Kazuha, but it would put him even more in danger if you do that... Just leave him a message maybe..."

The light-haired young man's face turned sad, to Scaramouche's utter despair, but he nodded.

"-...I understand. Please just give me two minutes to write something.

- Sure."

Kazuha quickly wrote a note for his grandfather, then grabbed a backpack and put some stuff inside it.

"- I'm ready.

- Good. We'll go out using the window, is it okay for you ?

- I'll manage..."

Scaramouche helped Kazuha to go out of the house, making sure he wasn't injured, and once they were finally out of the property, Kazuha followed the older man to his cousin's house.


The two young men were panting heavily after running so much. They luckily didn't meet anyone in the streets, but still hurried. Scaramouche really didn't want his father's agents to locate them.

He ringed at his cousin's house. Hopefully, he wasn't waking her up.

After a couple of minutes, a pink-haired woman opened the door, yawning. When she recognized the two, she widened her eyes and quickly made them enter, closing the door behind them.

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