Chapter VIII

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Kazuha looked at the smiling face in front of him, and let out a sigh.

"- Heizou... It's been a long time...

- Hmm ? You don't seem happy to see me ! Have you not missed me~ ?" asked the young man, tilting his head on a side, staring at Kazuha with his playful green eyes.

"-... Not exactly..." answered Kazuha, avoiding both Heizou's and Scaramouche's gaze.

Kazuha met Heizou a couple of years ago. They worked together as models at Yae's agency for some time, but Heizou eventually decided he wanted to be a detective and left.

But still, he managed to get Kazuha's number and often sent him a lot of flirty messages. Kazuha was convinced that being flirty was in Heizou's personality, given that he had always been flirting with him since they met, but Kazuha wasn't interested and told Heizou so multiple times.

But Heizou was still convinced Kazuha liked him and sent texts to meet him quite often, despite Kazuha never answering.

Basically, Kazuha was avoiding Heizou, and was really disappointed that he managed to find him while he was having so much fun with Scaramouche.

Speaking of Scaramouche, he wasn't aware of any of this. So when he saw Heizou openly flirt with Kazuha and the light-haired young man answer with an awkward smile to try to be polite, jealousy took over him.

"- It's been sooo much time, Kazuha ! I've been worried since you don't answer my texts ! Do you not have the same phone number anymore ?

- ...I do...

- Then why must you avoid me, my dear~ ? You're making me really sad, you know ?" pouted Heizou.

"- I..." Kazuha turned his gaze to Scaramouche, searching for some help. But the idol was too lost in his anger to realize Kazuha was as upset as he was.

Heizou looked at Scaramouche and a smirk appeared on his face as he recognized the young man.

"- Oooh I see ! You're abandoning me for an idol ? How mean of you~"

"- I don't..." began Kazuha, not wanting to involve Scaramouche into his own troubles.

"- Ooor maybe he isn't your boyfriend at all ? No chance of it being the case ? Is he straight ? Does he not like you because of your family ? Then, allow me to introduce myself~"

Heizou caught Kazuha's wrist and dragged him to the opposite of Scaramouche.

- Heizou, please-"

But Scaramouche couldn't hold it anymore. He finally realized Kazuha was as annoyed as he was about that Heizou guy, and felt terrible about thinking Kazuha could be dating that guy, or even appreciate him. Right now, he just wanted to get rid of that guy who was making Kazuha feel bad. He wanted to get rid of anything that could make Kazuha feel bad.

So he didn't think.

Scaramouche gently caught Kazuha's waist and took his hand, freeing him from Heizou's grip. Since he was a little smaller, he cupped his cheek to make him look down and searched for consent in his eyes.

There were people around, they were in public without a mask and in front of an annoying man, but Scaramouche didn't care anymore. He realized he had been wanting to do this for a long time, but didn't know why. But he decided to not think anymore, for now.

Kazuha slightly nodded in approval of what the other man was about to do, and their lips met slowly, but surely, in a sweet but passionate kiss.

Heizou's face turned into a smirk and he took a picture before leaving, but they didn't care.

People around were taking pictures too and whispering between themselves, but they didn't care.

This was never supposed to happen, but they didn't care.


When Scaramouche moved back, he realized what was happening around him, and he realized what he had just done. His face turned completely red and he looked horrified. He then looked at Kazuha's face to see a very surprised expression. He didn't know what to do.

"- I'm- I'm sorry !" Scaramouche mumbled, before turning his back to Kazuha and running away. He couldn't stand his gaze another second.

Kazuha stood there, alone, astonished, trying to realize what just happened. The crowd started to scatter after a while, leaving Kazuha on his own.


Hey ! Sorry for the kinda late and short chapter ! I'm back in class so the updates might be a little slower 😅

I'll try to update the next chapter the sooner I can !

Until then, take care ❤️


Words : 739
Published on : September 6th 2022

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