Chapter II

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Kazuha and Scaramouche were still shaking each other's hands, judging the other, when Scaramouche's phone ringed. The young man widened his eyes as he saw the text he just received.

"- Oh, sorry, I need to go.

- But- didn't you have a shooting just now ?

- This will wait. Just tell Yae I got an emergency, she will understand.

- Uh, okay...

- Just before I go, can you give me your phone number ? We need to plan a day where we will go somewhere publicly together, inform the medias and everything."

Kazuha quickly gave him his number. Scaramouche didn't even thank him.

"- Okay, I'm going now. Oh, and remember, Kazuha : it's not because I offered you a collaboration that I like you or anything, I only chose you because of your money and fame."

And the boy left with a last dark glance, not saying goodbye or anything. But Kazuha chuckled. This last sentence was worthy of a tsundere ! Maybe Scaramouche tried to play the tough guy, but Kazuha definitely found this more amusing than scary.

When he realized he was laughing alone, Kazuha, decided to come back to the main room, warn Yae of Scaramouche's departure and get back to work.


Kazuha ended his day at 4 p.m. He decided to walk again to go back home.

As he peacefully walked, the young man heard an ambulance and police sirens. He experienced déjà vu as the same thing happened just in the morning. But the difference here is that at the same time, one of the screens on a skyscraper lit up, displaying information about what happened.

A businessman, accused many times of abuse on various people, had been found dead in an alleyway of the city. Kazuha got chills when he realized this was the same he used during the lunch break to go to the restaurant. And he began to shiver when he saw the red flower on top of the body.

The Higanbana clan struck once again. And with a few hours of interval, Kazuha would have been in that street, meeting with one of the members. But he wasn't shivering because of the fear. This was because of the burning resentment he felt. If he had been in that alleyway a few hours later, he would have been able to face the people he hated so much, the people who took everything from him. He would have been able to use all the hatred he had in him and try to avenge his family...

"- Um, Mister... Are you okay ?"

Kazuha snapped out of his thoughts. A young child was pulling on his sleeve, seemingly worried for him. His parents, a couple of meters away, looked pretty worried too. The mother joined her son.

"- I am so sorry for my son's behavior, sir, but you look unwell. Do you want us to bring you to the hospital ?"

Kazuha felt bad for making innocent people worry for him. He forced a smile on his face.

"- Thank you for your concern, but I'm okay. I was going home anyways. Have a good day !"

And he quickly left, as the little family was beginning to make a link between his face and the one they saw on the nearest skyscraper's screen.

Kazuha decided to go back home as quickly as possible, and as he got there, he took a long bath to try and forget all the dark thoughts that poisoned his mind the whole day.

"But why today, though ?"


"- Father, I eliminated the target.

- Hahaha ! Good, good, Kunikuzushi. You're getting better at this everyday. This scum is everywhere, we need to get rid of it. Tell me, son, did something in particular happen today ?

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