Chapter XI

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Scaramouche sighed. It was almost midnight, he was exhausted but he was here, walking around in a rich neighborhood, on his way to kill an unknown person again. The moon was full this night, and was shining so much that the young man could almost see like if it was daytime.

He was walking, searching for the number of the house, looking daggers at all these rich mansions. Well, he was probably as rich as the people who lived here but he was still annoyed by people who liked to expose their wealth like this. He felt like they were just asking for people to break into their houses and steal everything at this point.

"- I wanna go back home and sleep..." he mumbled.

But he couldn't. After all, it was his father who personally asked him to kill this person. He didn't give the name, as usual, because he knew Kunikuzushi didn't care about it. He just got the address and some piece of advice :

"I don't care how do you do it, but I need this person to be dead tomorrow, got it ? You absolutely can't fail. Just kill them fast and go home."

Scaramouche had just agreed to this, and was actually more than okay about the going home fast thing. But now he was kind of curious about who this was. It was probably a very important enemy of his father, probably wealthy too if they lived around here. But why did he ask him to execute this mission ? He was one of the best assassins in the organization, but his father still had some really skilled bodyguards that he probably trusted more than his own son. So why him ?

The young man yawned. Where was this freaking house ???

As he was getting angry, he turned his head and fell on the number he was searching for. 96. It was here.

Scaramouche looked up above the front gate. The house looked a less showy than the others, but the owners were probably as rich as the others, just a little more humble. 

The young man smirked. He knew how to get into the house, so he just needed to get to work.

He easily climbed the front gate, avoiding the alarms and cameras, and ran to a side of the house.

There, he noticed something weird. On the second floor, there was an open window. And if he remembered well, this should be where he would find his target. Would this be that easy ?

Kunikuzushi easily climbed to the second floor, still astonished that the window was open like that. How much confidence would you need to do that ?

When he arrived at the window, he stopped on its frame. He was in a bedroom, and he could see a shape under the sheets. He could also hear some slow breathing.

The target was sleeping. Nice. Usually, they were harder to kill when awake, of course. But Scaramouche thought that the person was really not careful.

The young man quietly jumped in the room and walked around the bed. As he did so, he suddenly stopped moving.

He was beginning to have some doubts. His father had given the mission to himself precisely, he asked him to do it in person, and this shape in the bed, this familiar breathing...

Scaramouche shook his head. No, it couldn't be. There was no reason for it after all... Or was it ?

He began moving again, but slowly. He didn't want his fear to be confirmed. He closed his eyes as he decided to feel the bed as he was moving forward.

With his eyes still shut, he climbed on the bed and sat on top of his target. He didn't want to do this. What if he was right ? But he shook his head again. An assassin didn't have feelings. They killed anyone they had to. He shouldn't be hesitating.

Kunikuzushi took out a blade he kept under his clothes and placed it under the person's throat, feeling it with his touch.

"This soft skin, this smell... It can't be..!"

"No, Scaramouche, don't think about it ! Just do it right now !"

The young man was literally having a mental fight with himself. He was forcefully keeping his eyes shut, but couldn't bring himself to kill, for the first time in his life. 

What if he was right ? He could never forgive himself... But what if he disobeyed his father ? The punishment would we awful...


"I CAN'T !"

Scaramouche couldn't hold it anymore. He bursted his eyes open, and what he saw made him so horrified he began to pant heavily. 

"- Why..."

This delicate face, this peaceful look, this silky light hair with a flaming streak... This person he learned to love so much...

"- Why... Kazuha..."


Hey ! Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to stop here, obviously !

The next chapter should be out soon though, so see ya <3


Published : September 19th 2022

Words : 816

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