~ Niklaus' P.O.V ~
How was I going to tell her?
I'd lose her for sure.
How could I tell her?These were just some of the questions swirling around inside the mess I call my mind after Jade and I had exchanged secrets. Well, perhaps not every secret.
Truth be told, I had first met Jade back in England whilst running from Mikael, just over a year ago. Even then her beauty had astounded me. Now I think about it, she was so different then to how she is now. She had a bubbly and happy aura surrounding her, her smile lit up the room and gave her a sort of glow. She was truly one in a million. She had changed since then, no doubt because of the death of her parents.
If only I had stayed longer...
I met her one evening whilst looking for someone to feed on. Mikael was constantly breathing down my neck and the stress was getting to me. And there she sat, lounging on a bench gazing out towards the sea. Her long hair was gently blowing in the wind, framing her delicate face. Her eyes were fixed upon the horizon, suggesting she was in deep thought. My breath hitched in my throat as I gazed at her beauty. Perhaps I should've continued to hunt but something drew me to this girl, not just her obvious beauty but her eyes alone intrigued me. They screamed wisdom, beauty and youth.
Before I knew it I was in front of the nameless beauty.
"Can I help you?" She gazed up at me as she waited for my response. Her British accent was thick and her voice was angelic.
"Is this seat taken?" I asked her, praying that it was. But surely, a girl like her couldn't be alone. Could she?
"No, it's free." She smiled. "Would you like to sit down?"
"I'd love to, thank you." I returned her smile and took the seat next to her. "I'm Niklaus by the way. But you can call me Nik." I extended my hand towards her.
"Jade." She placed her hand in mine. The simple gesture sent shocks along my arm.
There was a comfortable silence for a while whilst we both watched the waves gently cover the sand before washing back out to sea. The sound of the sea was calming and I realised then that I no longer felt stressed but relaxed for the first time in years.
"Are you alright, love?" She was so quiet. I was starting to worry.
"Everything's fine, thanks for asking." She chuckled. "How about you, are you okay?" She looked at me in such a way that I thought for a second that she might care. No one had asked me that in such a long time, I almost forgot how to answer. She continued to stare at me, patiently awaiting an answer that I couldn't give her.
Was I okay?
Of course I wasn't.
"How about we talk over a cup of coffee...or tea perhaps?" I suggested, in order to avoid the question. She smiled happily so I took her answer as a yes.
I didn't kill anyone that day.
It has been a month since Jade found out what I am and I can honestly say it's been the best month of my 1000 year existence.She makes me forget about all the bad things I've done, she makes me feel whole (something I have never felt before) and she makes me a better person. I am completely and utterly in love with Jade Summers.
So today was the day I was planning to ask her to become my official girlfriend. Of course, I have to inform her of the risks that come with this, or rather, with me. I have too many enemies to count, numerous people want me dead and will do anything and everything to ensure I do not survive. If they discover my weakness they will use Jade to get to me. I don't want to put Jade in such a dangerous position but I cannot imagine my life without her. I already know the immediate danger she will be in, she's already had a few incidents with the Salvatores and the like. I have a feeling they are already plotting something against us all. However, I will protect her with every fibre of my being and with the help of my family, will ensure no harm comes to her.
It was currently 7:30pm and Jade would be arriving any minute. I had prepared dinner for the two of us as my siblings had all decided to go out.
I had just finished laying the table when the doorbell rang. I was at the door in a flash, and quickly opened it to reveal Jade in all her beauty.
"Good evening." She greeted me and I gestured for her to come in.
I led her to the dining hall where dinner was to be served. I pulled out her chair for her and she gracefully sat down awaiting dinner. I sat opposite her as my (compelled) servants served our dinner.
"Jade, there has been something I have been meaning to ask you for some time now..." Her eyes met mine as I had clearly captured her attention. No backing out now...
"...but first I must warn you of the danger involved in what I'm about to ask you. You are aware by now that I have gained many enemies in the last 1000 years and I do not wish to endanger yo-"
"Niklaus, please continue with what you were going to ask me. If you are worried that you are endangering me you shouldn't be. I knew what I was getting into when I decided to stick with you when you told me what you were." She placed her hand in mine from across the table and gave me a reassuring smile.
"Well then, Jade. Will you do me the tremendous honour of becoming my girlfriend?" I gave her a smile I only reserved for the people I loved - dimples and all. She bit her lip with a smile as she replied.
"Of course I will, Nik." She placed a passionate kiss on my lips which sent sparks flying around us.
It was now official, the most feared man in history now had a weakness. And he loved every bit of it.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it's short it's a bit of a filler.
Let me know what you think!
Thank you all for your continued support you're amazing!
- Becky.

Poisoned With Love (Niklaus Mikaelson) [Discontinued]
FanficWhen Jade Summers moves to Mystic Falls after the tragic death of her parents, she meets the infamous Mikaelson siblings. She instantly catches the eye of Niklaus Mikaelson - the most dangerous man in history. She is his only weakness and he vows to...