~ Jade's P.O.V ~
My eyes fluttered open to reveal a room I was not familiar with. I was lying in a large queen sized bed with cream sheets that smelt divine. The bed was situated in a room that contained modern furniture and was extremely light and open. Who's bed had I slept in?
The memories of the night before came flooding back to me. I had fallen asleep on a date! How embarrassing...
I looked down to find that I was still dressed in the same clothes as the previous night. My shoes were placed nearly beside the bed along with my bag which was on the nightstand. I hated waking up in my normal clothes, it made me feel uncomfortable. However, I was glad I hadn't been undressed all things considered.
I swung my legs out of the bed and grabbed my phone for my bag. 10:52am. Not only had I fallen asleep at Nick's house, I had also slept in! I grabbed my things and began to find my way downstairs.
I began to hear voices coming from one of the rooms downstairs, and proceeded to follow them. I came to the kitchen to find the three Mikaelsons staring at me.
"Sleep well, love?" Nick chuckled as he took a sip of his drink, probably tea.
"Very well surprisingly. I'm sorry I fell asleep in the first place. Who's bed was I in?"
"You were in mine, sweetheart. I slept in one of the spare rooms. I thought you might me more comfortable in my room." He smiled.
"Oh god, I'm sorry." I mentally face-palmed as my cheeks grew more red by the second.
"You don't need to apologise, love." Nick laughed.
Elijah and Rebekah were exchanging amused glances across the room, which only made me blush more.
"Niklaus and I have some business to attend to, so I'm afraid we are leaving. I hope you two will be able to amuse yourselves." Elijah rose from his chair and fixed his jacket. Nick threw on a leather jacket which suited him perfectly.
"I'll see you later, love." He kissed my cheek before walking out of the door with Elijah.
"Men." Rebekah rolled her eyes.
"So what do you usually do to amuse yourself around here?" I asked Rebekah.
"Drink, annoy the Salvatores and their little pet, shop and get ordered around by my big brothers." She chuckled.
"What's with the Salvatores and Elena? You don't seem to get along..." Her mouth rose into a smirk as she leant back in her chair.
"Let's just say that our problems with the Salvatores go way back. It's complicated. Anyway, I'm bored and I've missed having someone to do things with. Fancy going to the Grill or something?" She rose from her chair, her heels clicking on the tiled floor.
"Sure, but I'm probably going to have to go home and change first." I gestured towards my dress.
"Fine. Let's go then."
~ Niklaus' P.O.V ~
The entire day my mind kept wandering back to Jade and our date last night. She had fallen asleep whilst I was painting. I could tell immediately by the way her heart rate slowed and her breathing steadied. She looked so peaceful when she slept. I picked her up bridal style in my arms and placed her in my bed. Her delicate figure looked beautiful engulfed in my sheets. I wanted her to be mine. I wanted to lay in that bed with her. I wanted to cradle her close to my chest until the sun rose and lit up her angelic face. I wanted to love her and protect her for eternity. I was falling for her. I was falling for Jade Summers.
~ Jade's P.O.V ~
After a few minutes of driving we pulled up outside my house. I got out of Rebekah's car, and Rebekah herself followed shortly behind. I unlocked the door and held it for Rebekah who stared at me blankly from outside.
"You can come inside you know." She slowly stepped inside whilst giving me a friendly smile. "I'm just going to go and change, I'll only be a few minutes. In the meantime, make yourself at home."
"Thanks." She smiled and headed towards the living room as I ascended the staircase.
I got dressed in a pair of dark skinny jeans, a black top and my leather jacket along with my black ankle boots. I quickly brushed my hair and threw it up into a messy bun before heading downstairs.
As I entered the living room I found Rebekah examining a picture of my parents that was sat on the mantelpiece.
"Are these your parents?" She asked me with a smile. A stab of pain struck my heart.
"Yeah." I smiled back as I tried to hold in the tears.
"Where are they now?"
"They died last year, a car accident." My voice broke and tears began to fall down my face.
"I'm so sorry, Jade." Rebekah walked over and hugged me. "It sounds like you loved your parents very much, and they loved you. Always remember that. I've always wished for a loving family."
"But don't you have Elijah and Nick? And of course your parents?" I asked her as I dried my eyes. Hurt flashed across her eyes.
"We're not exactly a perfect family. Me and Nick are always feuding and Elijah will always side with him. My other brothers; Kol, Finn and Henrick are dead as is my father, and my mother wishes the remainder of us dead." A single tear ran down her cheek.
We spent the next few hours comforting each other and talking. She wasn't the only one who had missed having someone there. It was nice for me to have someone to talk to, who seemed to understand me.
After a while we decided to head down to the Grill for a drink. As we walked through the door I immediately spotted 'the gang' at the back of the room. Don't they have anything better to do? They shot daggers at me and Rebekah, which we shot back. We took our seats at the bar.
"What can I get you?" A blonde guy asked us. His name tag stated his name as Matt. A smile danced on Rebekah's lips, and a blush formed on Matt's cheeks. They were a couple waiting to happen.
"Two vodka and cokes please." She told him. He walked off to prepare our drinks.
"Rebekah..." I turned to her, a single eyebrow raised.
"What?" She asked, trying to hide her smirk and failing miserably.
"Don't you think for a minute I didn't see the love there." I winked. She simply shook her head slightly as Matt brought our drinks over.
We spent the rest of the afternoon at the Grill...drinking. 'The gang' left after a while, thank god. Soon, Nick and Elijah returned, and met us at the bar.
"I see my sister hasn't bored you to death then." Nick smirked as he took a seat next to me. Elijah sat beside him, looking extremely overdressed and uncomfortable.
"Actually, I think you'll find me and Rebekah have been getting on just fine." We looked at each other with amused expressions.
"Dear god, Niklaus what have we done?" Elijah joked, causing us all to laugh.
It was a weird feeling, being around the Mikaelson siblings. You would've thought being the only non-family member I would've felt out of place, however I felt quite the opposite. I felt at home, and as if I was one of them. This is what was on my mind that night when my eyes closed and I fell asleep.
This was a bit of a filler chapter, I'm sorry. Anyway, thank you for all the reads and votes so far! Let me know what you think of the story by leaving me a comment if you have the time, I'd love to hear from you! Feedback, suggestions, anything! To be honest, it would be nice to know if someone was actually reading and liking my story. :')Quick question: What do you think of the new cover? Shall I keep it, change it back or design a new one altogether?
See you next chapter!
- Becky.

Poisoned With Love (Niklaus Mikaelson) [Discontinued]
Fiksi PenggemarWhen Jade Summers moves to Mystic Falls after the tragic death of her parents, she meets the infamous Mikaelson siblings. She instantly catches the eye of Niklaus Mikaelson - the most dangerous man in history. She is his only weakness and he vows to...