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My eyes fluttered open. I groaned and hid my eyes from the sunlight streaking in my window. I tossed the covers off of me and tiredly rose out of bed, stifling a yawn.

Sav was in the kitchen making breakfast. I stood there at the doorway for a second to compose my thoughts. I have to tell her everything. I can't do this anymore.

I walked over to her. "Hey, morning."

She smiled and turned around for a moment before returning to the cooking. "It's about time you got up, then again you must have been exhausted."

I sighed and sat at the table adjacent to the kitchen. "Look, there's something I have to tell you. It's not gonna be fun but I can't do this on my own anymore."

Sav stopped, plating all the food and sliding a plate to me. "Eat first, and then we can talk."

I nodded and started eating. You'll feel better. Even if she never talks to you again you will feel better. She wouldn't tell anyone else about it. Right? No. She wouldn't. Just say everything that comes to mind, she will understand. Your too far in to back down now. You need the help.

Sav looked at me, concerned. "Is everything okay?"

I shook my head. "No, it's not and it hasn't been for awhile." I took a deep breath. "You deserve to know about me, and I can't keep hiding it from you. Just know that if anyone else found out about this my life would be pretty much over."

She sat her hand on mine and looked at me reassuringly. "Whatever you tell me right now is going to stay between you and me. It does not leave that front door. You have my word."

I took another breath, my body shaking nervously. "Almost six years ago now, something happened to me. When I was nineteen-" I paused for a moment. Just say it and get it over with. "I was kidnapped."

Sav's eyes widened in shock. She sat there in silence for a moment to process everything before pulling me into a tight hug. "I can't even imagine what that was like for you. I'm so sorry honey."

Keep going. Tell her everything. "I was kidnapped for almost three months. I was abused, tourtured, drugged, and hypnotized. I was her personal slave that she took everything out on. A lot of the things I went through haunt me to this day, I was in intense therapy but he recommended that I moved somewhere different, so here I am."

Sav sat speechless. She took several long minutes to process the information, I looked down and played with my hands, bouncing my leg nervously. She finally spoke up. "The amount of audacity that someone has to have to break someone like you, especially a teenager." She scoffs. "I hope whoever did this is dead by now."

I swallowed hard. "There is something else."

"What is it?"

I took a deep breath and my body shook more. Sav grabbed my hand and held it softly. Looking down, I slowly continued. "My kidnapper.. her name was Sylvia Knape. Y-your sister."

Sav let go of my hand. She froze and it looked like her heart shattered into a thousand pieces. "O-oh my god.. that makes you-" She looked at me and covered her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, oh my god I'm so sorry."

I felt my own tears surface. I swallowed hard, my voice shaking. "My real name is not Casey. Its-"

Sav cut me off. "Cindey, Cindey Creole.."

I nodded, looking down. "The government forced me to change my name due to the risks of being found again. Your parents bailed Sylvia out of jail so she's roaming free somewhere right now. I'm sorry for hiding all of this from you."

Sav say there in disbelief. "I'm so sorry, Jesus I've been flirting with the woman my sister almost killed." She put her head in her hands. "If you hate me I won't blame you. I'm not like her, and if I could have I would've helped you back then-"

I cut her off. "I don't blame you for what happened. I trust that you aren't like her because you've had several chances to do what she did and never took them. But I can't deny that seeing the family of the woman who harbored me for three months does bring back a lot more than I wanted it to."

Sav sunk her head. "That explains the nightmares. Have I been causing them?"

I put my hand on her shoulder gently. "Not directly. Seeing you did stir up a lot in my head, but I can deal with it."

"Are you sure you even want to be around me? Are you sure you want to do this?"

I sighed. "If I'm being honest, no I'm not. But I do know that I havnt felt safe having a relationship with anyone in the longest time, but with you it's like I can't resist. Every time I'm with you I just feel so happy and calm, like maybe everything will be alright."

Sav hugs me tightly, sobbing. "I'm so sorry, I can't imagine what she put you through and I can't imagine how you feel about it all. I'll give you anything you ask." Her body shook as she sobbed.

Is she scared? Is she afraid of losing me? What's going on? I took a deep breath, a few of my own tears slipping onto her shoulder. "I don't want to go anywhere. I really don't. You've made my life so much easier and I don't want to lose that. But the risk-"

Sav held me tighter. "I'll do whatever I have to do to be sure she never finds out. I'll put her away for good if she ever does, I promise." Her tone turned to rage. "To know that my sister did this to a perfectly good person makes my blood fucking boil. I'm going to take care of this myself if it's the last thing I do."

I smiled. "Thank you. Your words mean the world to me."

We cried on each other's shoulder for awhile before Sav picked up her head, sniffling and wiping her face. "Thank you for telling me, I can't even begin to know how difficult it must have been to say."

I shrugged. "Well it wasn't easy but I do feel a bit lighter now."

"Why don't you stay a few days at my place?" Sav asked. "I don't feel comfortable leaving you by yourself right now, and you can spend the day as far away from me as you want but I need to know your going to be safe."

I tossed the request in my head for a long minute. "I think we both need some time to think. Come back in a few hours and pick me up."

Sav nodded. "Your right, this is a lot to process. I'll give you some time and I'll come back later."

"Thank you for understanding."

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