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I folded the piece of paper in my hands, chewing my lip. Giving in, I sighed and swiped my phone off the table. My hands shook slightly as I dialed the number I was given earlier. Putting my phone on speaker, I took a deep breath and let it ring.

one, two, thee, four, five, rings and then a small click. "Hello?" a familiar voice asked.

I sighed and smiled softly. "Hey, you gave me your number, sorry its so late."

"Oh that's perfectly okay, I didn't know if you were even gonna call me." Her voice perked up. "I know that wasn't really the best way to ask for your number."

I chuckled. "Yeah, execution there could have been a bit better I would hazard to say."

"Well I'm glad you did, I was beginning to think I got the wrong car."

"My car is fairly common, but yeah it reached the right one."

"I never thought someone like you would own a Prius as an everyday car, screams "I'm gay and single" to me."

I laughed softly. "It was the only thing I could afford, being an freelance web designer isn't exactly the most glamourous job on the planet."

I heard her chuckle, I didn't even realize I was smiling. "Well," she said. "You seem to know your way around technology, my computer has been on the fritz lately and I can't get it to work properly. Think you can take a shot at it?"

I thought for a second. "What exactly is wrong with it?"

"I don't know. It gets really hot when its doing anything and some of the keys don't work anymore, it also has a issue with opening random files when I have already closed them out."

"What kind of files?"

"Mainly photoshop and adobe PDF viewer, Sometimes my task manager randomly comes up. Oh it also frequently freezes when I'm trying to work."

"Looks like you need a new computer." I joke.

"Yeah, yeah well it only started doing this recently, plus this one is really expensive and I can't find any others like it."

"I think I know what's wrong with it. I should be able to fix it without ordering parts."

"That would be great." I could sense excitement in her voice. "When do you think you could come over?"

I froze for a second. Damnit why does this keep happening. Its not the same. Its not the same. Its not the same. "Um I should be free this weekend, I don't have any classes."

"Saturday would work for me, I have a doctors appointment Sunday."

"Saturday it is then." I let out a light sigh. "You really should be getting to bed."

"So should you."

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later then."


I hung up the phone and Rubbed my eyes. This one will be different. It can't get much worse than it already has, I have to start taking risks again. I've been safe for too long.


I've seen this room before.

I looked around. The room was painted eggshell white and the walls were pretty much bare. The dresser was a lighter wood, varnished and polished to a shine, with black handles on each drawer. I tried to sit up, quickly realizing I was tied down.

This cant be happening to me. Not now.

I struggled, trying to find a weak point in the knots bounding my wrists to the wooden bedposts. My stomach lurched and my heart slammed into my chest as I looked around, trying to find a way to get free. My body suddenly felt weak and my vision began to blur slightly. "No, not like this. Please not like this." I pleaded, my eyes starting to well with tears. I heard footsteps, slowly they got louder. I let out a small whine and struggled harder against my restraints. "Please let me go! I'll give you anything you want!"

I couldn't see her face, she wouldn't let me. "But darling, I already have what I want."

Tears streamed down my face and it became harder to breathe. "No! Stop! Please just let me go!" I begged.

"I don't want to." She said. I felt a cold sensation on my face, the glare from the object she was holding making me wince slightly. "You need me to survive. I am the only one that can help you."

"What are you talking about?!" I wailed.

"Be a good girl for me and shut up." The woman snapped. "I don't want to have to put you back in the basement." My whole body shook. My lip quivered and a whine escaped my throat as she got on top of me. Without saying a word, she unbuttoned my jeans. I tried to fight her off but my body grew weaker, my muscles screaming.

Not like this. I can't let her do this to me. This can't be real. This cant be...


I gasped for air as my body shot up. I let out a soft yelp and curled my body into itself, frantically checking my surroundings. I bit my lip as tears streamed down my face. I rocked my body back and forth and sobbed.

In and out. Breathe. Your gonna die if you don't breathe. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. hold. 1. 2. 3. 4. Out. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

I sniffled and wiped my eyes. I think I'm gonna throw up. "I need a shower." I said to myself, voice still shaking. I stood up, slowly, and made my way to the bathroom. I covered the mirror with a towel and stripped off my clothes. Turning the water as hot as it could go, I hoped that I could scrub away the rest of the feeling.

I grabbed a new towel and rubbed my red, raw, skin dry. I took a deep breath, collected my clothes, and headed to my bedroom. Seven already? I have an hour before class starts. I threw on a new set of clothes and made my way to the kitchen. My arm shook slightly as I opened the fridge, scanning for something to eat. I grabbed a yogurt and looked it over, shutting the fridge and grabbing a spoon.

I sighed. Got to get to class. I grabbed my keys and bag, turned everything off, and locked the door behind me.

I tried to focus on the lecture, but the lingering thoughts of the nightmares wouldn't leave my head. I chewed my lip and bounced my leg trying to make sense of it all. Why would these occur now? I thought I already got over this. What could possibly have triggered the flashbacks to come back in the first place? The doctor took me off the meds a few months ago, that cant be it. Could it be stress? no, that doesn't feel right either. The visions are too specific. What is causing this?

I sighed, realizing I hadn't taken any notes, and started putting away my stuff. My phone buzzed.

Hey, are we still on for tomorrow?

Yea, I'll be there around 11 in the morning

I put away my phone and slung my bag over my shoulder, heading out of the room with the crowd.

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